真爱如血 (2008)

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  • 奇幻  恐怖


  • advertisement Bill Compton: [to Sookie] There is nothing more natural than the act of making love. Who am I to try to change what comes naturally to you? Sookie Stackhouse: [surprised] You're alive? Bill Compton: Technically, no. Bill Compton: [about Sookie] You are playing with her life! Eric Northman: It's no game to me. Eric Northman: [to Bill] We had a deal, your human and I. She will work for me as often as I like. Sookie Stackhouse: [to Bill about Jessica's family] Please don't kill them! Sookie Stackhouse: [to Bill] I always thought as different as we are, some how we could still be together. And now I don't know. Tara Thornton: [to Sam] What is it with you and Mary Ann? Sam Merlotte: [tp Mary Ann] I don't know what you're doing here. But these are people I care about and I will not stand by and watch you hurt any of them. Bill Compton: [to Eden] I am here to protect you. I am your friend. So you just invite me in and I can make everything stop. Jason Stackhouse: You're either on the dark side or you're on the side of the light! Sam Merlotte: [to Mary Ann] This is my bar! These are my people! This is my town! Maryann: [to Sam] You better think twice before you threaten me ever again. Rev. Steve Newlin: We are forming an elite spiritual army. Eric Northman: The sheriff of Area 9 in Texas has gone missing. He is twice as old as I am and very powerful. If one such as he can be taken, than none of us is safe. [repeated line] Bill Compton: What are you? Eric Northman: I've seen your website... it's very low rent. Sookie Stackhouse: [to Bill Compton] I almost died last night... again! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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