滚石风云 (2005)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 传记  音乐
  • 片       名滚石风云
  • 上映时间2006年06月15日
  • 导       演 Stephen Wo...
  • 剧       情
      影片聚焦于上世纪60年代登峰造极的英国音乐人布莱恩·琼斯,当时的他不仅是名声响彻世界乐坛的摇滚巨星,还是标新立异的时尚青年和花花公子。在最辉煌的7年间,他组建了世界最伟大的摇滚乐队“滚石”,不过,影片故事并非关于滚石乐队,而是向世人拨开布赖恩·琼斯神秘死因的重重疑团。   1...


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  • : Thanks for making a marytr of me. If it wasn't for you i'd still be alive and, no one would care. Tom Keylock: You know that isn't true. It was you screwing with Frank's head what did it, because you had nothing better to do. But you did know her... Brian Jones: Anita. Tom Keylock: You just had to go and screw it up, didn't ya? Your problem is, you were never happy - even Frank was happy. Brian Jones: You're wrong you know Tom. I was happy, somewhere in the middle there. The thing with happiness was... It was boring. Brian Jones: Thanks for making a marytr of me. If it wasn't for you I'd still be alive and, no one would care. Tom Keylock: You know that isn't true. It was you screwing with Frank's head what did it, because you had nothing better to do. But you did know her... Brian Jones: Anita. Tom Keylock: You just had to go and screw it up, didn't ya? Your problem is, you were never happy - even Frank was happy. Brian Jones: You're wrong you know Tom. I was happy, somewhere in the middle there. The thing with happiness was... It was boring. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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