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Little Men

Little Men (2005)

2005-02-14(美国)| 家庭| 美国
上映时间:2005-02-14(美国) 类型: 家庭
评分: 力荐


Ryan: I don't want to be in your dumb clubhouse anyway. I'm gonna build my own. Darren: You do that. Nick: Yeah you do that. Darren: And take all your stupid girls with you! Darren: Yeah, we don't want any stupid girls in our clubhouse. Barbara:


Look at all the things he did to us. We need to give him a taste of his own medicine.


Barbara: What are you a lemming? Jake: No! Ryan: Then prove it! Barbara: I'll even give you a head start. Darren: Man I'm thirteen years old! Don't you think I know how to build a clubhouse?

Little Men

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