识骨寻踪 (2005)

  • 美国
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  • 犯罪  灾难  爱情


  • advertisement Special Agent Seeley Booth: Don't you have work to do? Dr. Jack Hodgins: Don't you? Special Agent Seeley Booth: Right, Right Dr. Temperance Brennan: [said frequently, whenever confronted with pop culture references] I don't know what that means. Random People: [frequently after Dr. Brennan's comments] Where did you find her? Special Agent Seeley Booth: In the museum. Dr. Jack Hodgins: [after figuring something important out] King of the lab! Angela Montenegro: Things in a toilet bowel should not move. Special Agent Seeley Booth: Nice hat, huh. Come on, I'll take you back to the lab. Dr. Temperance Brennan: What happened with your RECO bust? Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Looks at her] Nothing. Why? [laughs shortly] Special Agent Seeley Booth: Have you been talking to Cam? Dr. Temperance Brennan: No. Did you do something wrong? Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Defensively] "What do you mean? Dr. Temperance Brennan: Well you didn't get the credit you deserved. What did you do? Special Agent Seeley Booth: Life is not always about credit. Dr. Temperance Brennan: Well, that's not what you said before. You said life was all about credit and that you were going to Hawaii and they were going to put you on a coin... Special Agent Seeley Booth: Alright, let's just forget about, ok Bones? Forget about it. [Walks away] Dr. Temperance Brennan: Jared warned me that you tend to sabotage yourself. Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Sarcastically] *Jared* said that? Dr. Temperance Brennan: Mm-hmm. He said that you're afraid of success. Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Angry] Hm. So basically, I'm a loser. Dr. Temperance Brennan: No, he never said the word loser. Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Walks up to her] Do you think I'm a loser? Like that guy in there? Some clown in some dumbass uniform who basically can't do anything better? Is *that* what you think? Dr. Temperance Brennan: Well, anthropologically, males tend to rank themselves into a hierarchy. There is no shame in not being at the top of the hierarchy. Special Agent Seeley Booth: [Furious] You're not answering the question, Bones. Answer *my* question. [They stare at each other. Phone rings after a tense silence. He doesn't take his eyes off her and picks up his phone] Special Agent Seeley Booth: Booth. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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