"Poirot" The Hollow (2004)

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  • 灾难  犯罪  惊悚
"Poirot" The Hollow


  • Henrietta Savernake: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • What happens if you meet a criminal who is cleverer than you are yourself? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Hercule Poirot: This is not the highest probability, mademoiselle. Gerda Christow: I believed in him, as though he were God. I worshipped him. And it was all a lie. Veronica Cray: Are you saying you don't love me? John Christow: You are a very, very alluring woman, Veronica, but I don't "love you," no. Veronica Cray: I came all this way to find you; waiting in this ghastly hovel for the weekend you'd appear. You see, I knew if we could be just once more together... just one more... John Christow: You? You planned it? Veronica Cray: Oh, you belong to me, John. You're mine. John Christow: When I was a young man, I WANTED you to share my life and you wouldn't do it! Veronica Cray: Because MY career was so much more important than yours. I mean, anyone can be a "doctor"! John Christow: You're a nasty piece of work... [begins to walk away] Veronica Cray: You leave me again and I really will make you sorry! John Christow: So be it. [long pause] John Christow: Goodbye. [walks out] Veronica Cray: I hate you more than I thought I could hate anyone! [throws whisky glass after him] Henrietta Savernake: I wish I wasn't so dreadfully fond of you, Edward. It makes it so much harder to go on saying no. Edward Angkatell: What you really mean is that you won't marry me becasue of John Christow. Why doesn't the fellow get a divorce? Henrietta Savernake: Because! Edward Angkatell: That's it, isn't it? If there were no John Christow in the world, you'd marry me... John Christow: Would you give it all up, if I asked you to, and come and live with me? Henrietta Savernake: No. John Christow: No? Henrietta Savernake: That's not really what you want. John Christow: Couldn't you lie to me just once? Henrietta Savernake: Why? John Christow: Because I love you, Henrietta, but you're so... you're so detached. Your art, your cars, your friends... I want you to think only of me. Henrietta Savernake: Isn't that what Gerda does? John Christow: Don't tell me you care a damn about Gerda! Henrietta Savernake: Why not? I like Gerda. John Christow: [last words before dying] Henrietta... Henrietta Savernake: I'm not terribly truthful... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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