For Pete's Wake (2004)

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  • 爱情  喜剧


  • Alisa: Life is more than just gossip mother. Judith: That's absurd, whoever told you that should be shot. Gossip is publicity and publicity is life. Alisa: I need you to show your respect today, whatever it takes. Judith: Respect? I never loved your father, what sort of respect could you possibly expect from me? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I know you loved him. Judith: [laughs] Divorcing him and taking half his money was the best thing that ever happened to me. His dying was the second. Julia: I'm not like you mom, I won't sleep around with every guy that offers to buy me dinner or lets me snort some cocaine. Julia: I'm pregnant Billy: What? Julia: I'm sorry Billy. Bily: But... we're always so careful. Julia: I know, but condoms are only 99% effective. Billy: [shocked] What? Julia: [defensively] That's what the box says anyway. Alisa: I love you Jesse. Jesse: I know. Mandy: Hi Craig. Craig: Hey. Amanda, was it? Mandy: Mandy. Didn't realize I was so forgettable. Craig: I'm just really bad with names. Mandy: In that case you're forgiven. Just remember, it rhymes with candy, we're both incredibly sweet. Mandy: This better be good. Alisa: The pastries aren't here yet. Mandy: You dragged me away from the man who could very well be my future ex-husband to tell me your god-damned pastries aren't here yet? Krystal: [reciting a poem she wrote to her dead husband] Roses are red, violets are blue. These lilies are now dead and so are you. Mandy: The bakery completely fucked up your order. Alisa: What? Mandy: Don't ask, I was too busy yelling at that asshole to listen to what he was saying. Alisa: Oh shit, shit. What am I going to do? Mandy: They should be here in half an hour with a similar order. I threatened to go over and kick some ass if I wasn't happy. Gary: What brings you here anyway? Bunny: I was a friend of the deceased. Gary: Really? Bunny: Yes, a very close friend. Is that so hard to believe? Gary: No, not at all.How'd you know him? Bunny: He was the best fuck I ever had. Judith: You look upset. Alisa: How many drinks did it take for you, Mother, to start caring about how I feel? Judith: Look how you talk to me, is it any wonder we never get along? Alisa: I think it's difficult for you to get along with anybody. Judith: For your information, Drake and I get along just fine. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Of course you do. Both of you have the same taste in men. Alisa: My life is turning into an episode of Jerry Springer and I don't know what to do about it. Alisa: What would I do without you Constance? Constance: You'd live in a pigsty, that's what. Mandy: I better hear from you tomorrow. Delivery Guy: I'll call you first thing. Mandy: I'll hunt you down and burn your bakery if you don't. Judith: [about Bunny] I always knew that bitch was stupid. Bunny: Hello. Gary: Gary Miller. Bunny: Bunny Monroe. Gary: Pleased to meet you. Bunny: Men usually are. Mandy: I just wish love were easier. Danny: I think what makes it so special is that it's not. You have every reason for happiness. It'll come. Mandy: I'm so tired of being alone Danny. My life is empty, I feel like I'm nothing. Danny: Don't say that. Any woman will kill to have your success. Mandy: What's success if you can't share it with someone you love? I'd rather die poor with the man I love than die rich and alone. Bunny: Just because I satisfied your husband better than you ever could is no reason to despise me. Krystal: How dare you. Bunny: It's no wonder he kept crawling back to me. You must be a pretty lousy fuck. Judith: Hallelujah, Praise the Lord... Peter Jameson is DEAD! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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