Incident at Loch Ness (2004)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 冒险  喜剧
Incident at Loch Ness
  • 片       名Incident at Loc...
  • 上映时间2004年08月26日(英国)
  • 导       演 萨克·潘Zak


  • Kitana Baker: Zak, why exactly am I wearing a g-string bikini? Zak Penn: Because you are a model and you're a sonar operator. Zak Penn: I don't want to make some sort of blanket comment about the people of Scotland, but the fact that they picked on Michael Karnow, of all people, I think is pretty low. I mean, this is a guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. Literally. I mean, he literally has a thing about flies. He will not hurt flies. Zak Penn: When I look back, and I hear people talk about what suffering, I say to myself, "Who suffered more than I did"? I mean, other than the people who died. I mean, obviously, they suffered more because, well, they're dead. But, you could make the argument that they're dead, so they're not really dealing with it, whereas I live with the guilt, and I live with the sadness. Zak Penn: At least we're not dragging the boat over a hill... Werner Herzog: What was that? Zak Penn: Uh... nothing. Werner Herzog: I could not believe Zak Penn stole the lifeboat. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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