
边城英烈传 (2004) 5.9

The Alamo 更多片名>

2004-03-27(美国)| 剧情 战争 西部| 美国|2小时17分钟
上映时间:2004-03-27(美国) 类型: 剧情 战争 西部 历史 时长:2小时17分钟
制作/发行:Imagine Entertainment [美国] / 博伟国际
评分: 力荐




阿拉莫之战】 阿拉莫之战是德克萨斯历史上最著名的军事行动,一些历史学家甚至将阿拉莫称为“德克萨斯自由的摇篮”。阿拉莫原是在1718年5月1日建成的圣安东尼奥·德·瓦莱罗传教站,而且当地由此成为了西班牙领土的最北端。十八世纪晚期,传教站逐渐失修破败,1793年,传教站脱离了宗教。1801年,一支名为“阿拉莫·德·帕拉斯”(AlamodePaas)的西班牙骑兵部队占据了这幢建筑,并改建成堡垒和兵营,...


William Travis:

I have here pieces of paper, letters from politicians and generals, but no indication of when, or if help will arrive. Letters not worth the ink committed to them. I fear that no one is coming. Texas has been a second chance for me. I expect that might be true for many of you as well. It has been a chance not only for land and riches, but also to be a different man. I hope a better one. There have been many ideas brought for in the past few months of what Texas is, and what it should become. We are not all in agreement. But I'd like to ask each of you what it is you value so highly that you are willing to fight and possibly die for. We will call that Texas. The Mexican army hopes to lure us into attempting escape. Almost anything seems better than remaining in this place, penned up. If, however, we force the enemy to attack, I believe every one of you will prove himself worth ten in return. We will not only show the world what patriots are made of, but we will also deal a crippling blow to the army of Santa Anna. If anyone wishes to depart under the white flag of surrender, you may do so now. You have that right. But if you wish to stay here with me in the Alamo, we will sell our lives dearly.

David Crockett:

It's amazing what a little harmony will do.

James Bowie:

I don't deserve mercy. I do deserve a drink. You got anything stronger than water?



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