
  • Fanis Iakovides: Granpa said the word gastronomer conceals within it the word astronomer. As such, my lessons in astronomy involved the use of spices. Fanis Iakovides: Geography is magical and the place to learn it best is near a lighthouse. By the lighthouse, the compass spins wildly and the air magnetises both the mind and the eyes. Fanis Iakovides: Mussels always remind me of the hammam. When we'd go there I'd hear the elders open their souls as mussels do when steamed. Fanis Iakovides: I realised then that other things can be cooked besides food. Fanis Iakovides: Appetizers are similar to stories which tell of far away journey's flavours and aromas seduce your senses and prepare you for an adventurous journey. That's why the Greek word for return conceals within it the word turn, which conceals within it the word food. Fanis Iakovides: As The Turks sent us away as Greeks, The Greeks received us as Turks. Fanis Iakovides: Our cuisine is made by people who left their meal unfinished somewhere else. Fanis Iakovides: I was afraid... of the moment of having to leave again. Fanis Iakovides: Don't look back Saïme. On train platforms we look back and that image remains as a promise. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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