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  • Narrator: It is a film. Everything is constructed. Still it hurts. Narrator: That's how it always ends. A bit of magic, a bit of smoke. Something floating Narrator: But it doesn't work without the necessary push. A bit of laughter,a man... a beautiful woman and love. Let's start over. At the beginning,it was man alone. Narrator: No,he's not alone. Yet. Narrator: He loses Amy.The last person that was left for him. The only one... Can their love survive? What will it take? Narrator: A test.For him and for her. His love for her. Stupid? Maybe. Narrator: If he steps back... if he doubts... she will disappear. Narrator: The woman left. The laughter stopped. But, the man is still here. Not like that... All alone. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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