
  • Professor Thomas: The government cut the electricity. Sylvia: Why? Professor Thomas: To build national character! Ted: I'm sorry... Sylvia: What for? Ted: I don't know yet... Sylvia: I am thinking of taking a lover. Al Alvarez: Who? Sylvia: [Sylvia stares at Al, half-smiling] Sylvia: Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through. [from her poetry] [on the phone to the BBC] Sylvia: Don't take such tone of voice with me! [about the cows on the river bank] Sylvia: How do you think they prefer Milton or Chaucer? Ted: Chaucer obviously! Sylvia: You probably just think I'm some ghastly American bitch, don't you? Professor Thomas: God no, I thought you were Canadian. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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