An Insomniac's Nightmare (2003)

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An Insomniac's Nightmare
  • 片       名An Insomniac's ...
  • 上映时间2003年03月12日(美国)
  • 导       演 Tess Nanav...
  • 又       名An Insomniac's Nightmare
  • 编       剧 Tess Nanav...




  • Jack: Have you ever had insomnia? If you have, what I'm about to say won't seem all that strange. But if not... well, we'll see. Jack: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Every sound is magnified. Every shadow you see on the wall might come to life at any moment. A shattered bottle five blocks away might be someone breaking into your house. It's paranoia. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jack: It's not just hallucinations any more. It's much, much worse. But you can't move, because you can't wake up, because you're not even dreaming yet. Jack: Another psychotic episode. How strange. And yet how absurdly expected. Jack: Now that was weird. Jack: That guy loved the feeling of air and speed. Then one day he went parasailing in a thunderstorm and that was the end of that. They didn't even need to cremate him. Jack: So that's where Goldilocks in the park came from... Lonnie: Oh, come on, Jack, lighten up! You're supposed to be happy to see me! Jack: You're supposed to be dead! Lonnie: Yeah, I know, it's a goddamn tragedy. Jack: It needs to stop. But how do you draw the line and take control when you're the one driving yourself over the edge? The Girl: Shh. Don't say it. Don't ever say it! Jack: Why not? Why can't I say it? The Girl: Because truth is hell. The Girl: [singing] Life is but a dream... Isn't that right, Jack? Lonnie: [brandishes butcher knife] Don't get too close! Jack: Why do you have a knife? Lonnie: I dunno, this is your nightmare. Jack: Put it down! Lonnie: I can't do that. Jack: Why not? Lonnie: Because then it wouldn't be scary any more and you just might wake up. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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