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Love Hina Again

Love Hina Again (2002) 7.2

2002-01-26(日本)| 动画 喜剧 爱情| 日本
上映时间:2002-01-26(日本) 类型: 动画 喜剧 爱情 短片
评分: 力荐

Keitaro, Naru, and all their friends are back in an animated series based after both the specials. Keitaro's still trying to get Naru, but h...更多>


[first lines] Keitaro Urashima: I am Keitaro Urashima... an applicant to Tokyo-U. Studying away after three failures. Still believing the promise that a couple who love each other can find happiness once they make it in. Keitaro Urashima: Do you remember when we were on Pararakelese Island? I realized something watching Nyamo. I realized... that I really didn't have my own dream to pursue. And that's why... um, well, what I said to you back at Christmas... my feelings for you haven't changed since that day. Naru Narusegawa: If your feelings really haven't changed, then why - Keitaro Urashima: [interrupting her] I'm sorry... I guess I'd better get going. [leaves to catch his flight with Naru in silent tears] Motoko Aoyama: You never change, do you? Masayuki Haitani: M-Motoko! Motoko Aoyama: You're acting even lower than Keitaro right now... Shirai, Haitani. [Naru is being chased by the angry residents of the Hinata Apartments, who don't realize the perpetrator who made them angry was an imposter of Naru] Naru Narusegawa: What's going on here? Somebody help me! Mitsune 'Kitsune' Konno: Come back here, Naru! Shinobu Maehara: Come back here! Naru Narusegawa: Are you kidding? No way, I'm running! Kaolla Su, Tama: Get her, get her! Motoko Aoyama: Naru must be possessed by an evil spirit, I'm sure of it! Shinobu Maehara: I know the Naru that we know and love would never do anything like that to me! Naru Narusegawa: [thinking while running] What are they talking about? I just got home and have no idea what they mean! Motoko Aoyama: How DARE you try to rob me of my chastity! [strikes with her sword] Motoko Aoyama: SECRET TECHNIQUE, DOUBLE-SPLITTING SWORD! [Everyone including the residents that were chasing Naru are thrown up into the sky by Motoko] [Naru has just interrupted Kanako from flirting with Keitaro by performing a cannonball dive between the two of them] Kanako Urashima: What are you doing, Naru, why are you HERE? Naru Narusegawa: Oh dear, my mistake! I thought this was a water slide! Kanako Urashima: That's ridiculous! Naru Narusegawa: [Naru has realized she misplaced the ring Keitaro gave her] Naru Narusegawa: Oh no... oh no! Oh NO! Oh no, what happened to it? Keitaro Urashima: Good morning, Naru! Naru Narusegawa: Oh, good morning, Keitaro, what is it? Keitaro Urashima: Um, about last night, you know, when I gave you the ring? Naru Narusegawa: The ring? Oh hahahaha, what was that again? Keitaro Urashima: Oh well, I can't exactly remember, it was so crazy, but I think I gave you the ring, didn't I? Naru Narusegawa: Ah... hahaha, are you sure about that? Kanako Urashima: [interrupting]


I believe you lost it. I couldn't imagine being so irresponsible with something like that. If it was mine, it would never leave my hand.


Kaolla Su, Tama: I like him, I want to study that monster cat! Kentaro Sakata: Why did you run away from him? Naru Narusegawa: Hey, let me ask you something. Have you ever fallen in love with someone that your friends liked, too? Kentaro Sakata: I don't know. Why do you ask? Naru Narusegawa: It's like you want your friends to be your friends for life. But when you start dating someone and end up falling in love with that someone, you can't have the same kind of friendship with them anymore. Being in love is kind of uncomfortable. It seems like there are so many things to worry about. And some of the time, it's scary. Kentaro Sakata: Scary? Naru Narusegawa: Just think - if I were to become Keitaro's girlfriend - what about Shinobu and Motoko? I wouldn't know how to face them! And what about Kitsune and Su, they may be upset! You see? And not only that, Keitaro and I have always had so much fun just messing around. But once we really become boyfriend and girlfriend, we might not be able to have the same kind of fun anymore. Kentaro Sakata: Are you saying that it's all right if Keitaro goes out with Kanako? Naru Narusegawa: [suddenly angry] Over my dead body, I don't EVER want that to happen! Kentaro Sakata: Then say no more, that proves you're in love with Keitaro. Naru Narusegawa: But I just can't imagine being a perfect girlfriend, you know? Kentaro Sakata: What's the big deal if you don't sleep with him? Naru Narusegawa: Do what? Well, wait, I'm not saying that, exactly. Sometimes it's all right, I guess. Kentaro Sakata: OH, NARU, YOU ARE SO... [suddenly rips off a face mask, revealing himself as Kanako] Kanako Urashima: ...PATHETIC! Naru Narusegawa: [shocked] Kanako! [Kanako and Naru fight over Keitaro] Kanako Urashima: You're making absolutely NO sense at all! That's why your own friends Motoko and Shinobu are so frustrated with you! Naru Narusegawa: I don't need you to tell me that! It's none of your business anyway, Kanako! Kanako Urashima: Yes, it is! And you're stressing me out! [knocks Naru to the ground] Naru Narusegawa: I can't help it... I just can't! What if everyone ended up hating me for it? Then I would nothing more than that same lonely child that nobody cared about! Keitaro Urashima: Ow, that really hurt. Pretty reckless of 'ya. Hey, um, are you okay? Naru Narusegawa: I love you. Keitaro Urashima: Huh? Naru Narusegawa: [throws a humorous tantrum] I love you, I love you, I love you so much! All right, fine, I'm in love with you! I may not be your Promise Girl, but I love you okay? I love you, Keitaro! I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU! I love you.

Love Hina Again

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