无条件的爱 (2003)

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  • 喜剧  经典  惊悚


  • Maudey: Nobody messes with a dwarf in a red raincoat. Lady in Plane: Julie Andrews is in the cockpit. Man in Plane: THANK GOD. Julie Andrews: OH, BUGGER OFF. Dirk Simpson: Frump without a life. Grace Beasley: Valet without a car. Dirk Simpson: LIFE WITHOUT A POINT. Grace Beasley: That's Tom Jones. Nola Fox: Don't you think I'd know my own brother's voice? Waitress: Actually, it's Tom Jones. I put the CD on myself. Nola Fox: [slaps waitress across the face] SLUT. Maudey: Is this rudeness deliberate, or are you just lacking in social skills? Dirk Simpson: I don't believe in unconditional love, I mean, what is it anyway? Cut off my ears, steal my money and I'll love you anyway? Grace Beasley: Yes, and more. Dirk Simpson: More? Grace Beasley: You don't have to love me back. Victor Fox: I have sex with other men, but I sleep with you. Nola Fox: We love gay youth. Officer Jones: [after discovering Maudey and Dirk making out and then Finding Grace] What are you doing? Grace Beasley: I'm watching them! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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