人型电脑天使心 (2002)

  • 日本
  • |
  • 动画  喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名人型电脑天使心
  • 上映时间2002年04月02日(日本)
  • 导       演 浅香守生
  • 又       名人型电脑天使心 "Chobits"
  • 编       剧 ClampGenjiro Ka...


  • Sumono: [wakes up. Blows a whistle] Good morning! Let's do the wakey wakey exercises! Hideki: [feeling embarrassed after buying underwear for Chi] The store workers must think I'm such a pervert. Chi: [Chi just learned a new word and identifies it with Hideki] Pervert. Pervert. Hideki is a pervert. Hideki: [now feeling even more embarrassed] No, Chi, don't say that word! Hideki: Darn it all! I want my own computer! I want to send e-mail too! But more than anything, I want to see those Internet porn sites! Hiromu Shinbo: Its a good thing I was careful and backed up all her data. If I had to buy new parts, i would've charged you for 'um. Hideki: I dont have any money. Hiromu Shinbo: You'd find a way. Hideki: You're a fiend! Hiromu Shinbo: You know it! Yumi: [Hideki silently commented on Yumi's bust] I'm a D-cup. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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