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Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil

Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil(2002)

2002-01-08(美国)| 奇幻 恐怖| 美国
上映时间:2002-01-08(美国) 类型: 奇幻 恐怖
评分: 力荐

En route to a run-down shelter they are set to renovate as community service, a group of juvenile delinquents and the two chaperones accompa...更多>


Lilly: Hauling two of your dead carcasses outta here is just as easy as hauling out one! Lt. Har


ris Redding: Look now, hold on. Wait just a minute! Lilly: Three don't bother me none either! Denise Martinez: char= Lt. Harris Redding: I got two words for you boys... shut and up! Killjoy: [after devouring a girl with his chattering teeth] I hate sloppy seconds.

Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil

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