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Invasor, O

Invasor, O (2002) 7.0

2002-04-12(法国)| 惊悚| 巴西
上映时间:2002-04-12(法国) 类型: 惊悚
获奖信息:圣丹斯国际电影节(2002年) 获奖:1
评分: 力荐

Two businessmen, Ivan and Gilberto, have their partner killed by a hitman who then blackmails them to gain control of their company. Ivan an...更多>


[subtitled version] [Paulo Miklos' caracther trespass a construction site administered by the two men he's blackmailing] Anísio: Hey, yo! Do me a favor. Get closer. Construction's Foreman: What is it? Anísio:


I got to know that a lot of stuff is missing around here. Where are the parts, the tools and the yellow truck?


Construction's Foreman: What you want with me? Anísio: Tell you what. The word came from up there, man. That's what. There's plenty of smart asses screwing it, taking work outside. Construction's Foreman: You're interfering too much. You keep it to yourself, wise guy! You're not the fucking boss! Anísio: [shouts] Is that so? But I'm here to shut down the goddamm "leisureland". "Leisureland" is closed! Crime ain't no cherry, yo!

Invasor, O

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