剑侠雄心 (2001)

  • 德国 卢森堡
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  • 动作  冒险  爱情
  • 片       名剑侠雄心
  • 上映时间2002年06月21日
  • 导       演 彼得·海姆斯
  • 剧       情


  • Febre: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned... It's been a lifetime since my last confession. Aramis: We're drunks, not fools. [to the Cardinal] D'Artagnan: Bless me Father, for I will sin. One night I will come for you. Francesca: I'm not dead. Now will you please go kill him? Febre the Man in Black: What if I must absolutely kill someone? Cardinal Richelieu: Well, if you must, you must. Francesca bon Ansau: Don't look at me like that. D'Artagnan: Those eyes... Francesca bon Ansau: They are the only eyes I have. D'Artagnan: I don't know what to say. Francesca bon Ansau: Sometimes it is better to say nothing. [D'Artagnan kisses her] Francesca bon Ansau: Would you say that again? D'Artagnan: Do not harm her! Febre the Man in Black: But... I feel the need to harm someone. The Queen: I will die before I help you. Febre the Man in Black: You wouldn't be the first. Rochefort, Richelieu Henchman: You're mad! Febre the Man in Black: That's the second time tonight I've been called mad, and I'm starting to resent it. Cardinal Richelieu: So you plot the course of history now. You must be mad! Febre the Man in Black: That's three times. It must be so. Aramis: Do not turn from me, D'Artagnan, or I shall have to fight you! D'Artagnan: Do not fight me, Aramis, or I shall have to kill you. Porthos: This wine is invigorating. D'Artagnan: Don't get too invigorated. D'Artagnan: This is not what you think. Francesca: You have no idea what I think. D'Artagnan: I... I wish to explain. Francesca: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You behave as though you've never seen a naked woman. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • D'Artagnan: Never one quite so... naked. [sighs] D'Artagnan: Or so beautiful. Francesca: But you have seen many ugly naked women? D'Artagnan: That's not what I meant! Buxom Woman at Banquet: Nice sword. D'Artagnan: Thank You, Mademoiselle. Buxom Woman at Banquet: Is it a long sword or a short sword? D'Artagnan: Well, long enough. Buxom Woman at Banquet: Do you keep your sword polished? D'Artagnan: When there's time. Buxom Woman at Banquet: And do you do it yourself, or do you have help? D'Artagnan: Myself, I won't trust my sword to anyone else. The Queen: Have you no mercy in your heart? Febre: No mercy. No heart. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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