圣战追缉令 (2002)

  • 阿鲁巴岛 美国
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  • 动作  冒险  惊悚


  • Rudy: I love people. I love life. Rudy: You read the wrong book, pal! Rudy: Risk is my business! Yuri: Did you get it? Rudy: I have the Egg. Yuri: YES YES YES! YURI'S THE MAN WITH THE PLAN! Yuri: [over the walkie-talkie] Rudy! Did someone get shot? Rudy: No. I Farted. Cyrus: Apparently, stubbornness is an ingrained family trait. Rudy: It beats a messiah complex any day! Rudy: They say laughter opens up the soul. Rudy: Shalom! Lt. Dalia Barr: Do you know how much trouble I'm in because of you? Do you know? Rudy: Let's have a coffee and talk about it. Lt. Dalia Barr: Will that be business or pleasure? Rudy: Pleasure, always. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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