
  • Phil Allen: One of the nastiest double crowns I've ever had the misfortune to tackle. Phil Allen: Detroit, World Styling Finals. We're running around shouting, "Foul," while the Yanks, whose combs mysteriously do not wilt, do not melt, just carry on styling. No prizes for guessing who took the medals that year. Brian Allen: Tony can anyone enter? Tony: No professionals only! Brian Allen: I am a professional! Phil Allen: A beauty is that Shelley, a beauty. Brian Allen: Mum! Dad's cutting! Brian Allen: Bit spooky that. Phil Allen: Just because something's fixed, doesn't mean it can't be broken. Daisy: I don't have many tomorrows. Shelley Allen: In case you've forgotten, neither do I, you selfish old bat! Daisy: That's the spirit. Phil Allen: Nobody gets to cut my hair. Shelley Allen: I used to. Phil Allen: Yeah, but I learnt my lesson, didn't I? Sandra: [singing, as Marilyn Monroe] A kiss on the lips could be quite continental, but diamonds are a girl's best - Phil Allen: What the hell happened to you? Sandra: The total look - Marilyn Monroe. Phil Allen: Well, I didn't think you were the milkman. Phil Allen: Your highlights go green if you leave them in too long, love. Sharon: How long's too long? Phil Allen: About now. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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