爱得太辛苦 (2002)

  • 德国 美国
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  • 犯罪  爱情
  • 片       名爱得太辛苦
  • 上映时间2003年03月27日(德国)
  • 导       演 彼得·泽尔
  • 又       名爱得太辛苦 诈骗集团仙人跳 Love the Hard ...
  • 编       剧 王朔彼得·泽尔


  • Jack: What kind of movies do you prefer, the ones with the sad endings or the happy ones? Claire: The sad ones definitely. I like movies that make me cry. Jack: Then you're with the right guy. Jack: Are you expecting an eclipse? Claire: He's really shy. Jack play's tough, but if he could just break out of his hard guy routine he could do anything. Jack's not dumb. Debbie: I'm talking about Jack, he's the one that's going to hell. Claire: Well maybe I want him to take me with him. Jack: Same shit, different day. Claire: No it's not. You don't really think it's the same sun that rises every morning do you? There are 365 suns, a different one for each day. Jack: What happens on a leap year? You stay in bed all day? Claire: [smiles] Staying in bed doesn't hurt... much. Jack: You're finished with me right? Claire: [nods no] Jack: Not the man you'd hoped I'd be? Claire: [nods yes] Jack: It's better this way, ok? Now stop crying, I don't deserve your tears. Claire: You've been lying to me from the start haven't you? Jack: Look I just wanted to fuck you, that's all it was. Claire: When you said you loved me was that a lie too? Nothing was true. Just lies, just fucking lies. Jack: Look I don't love anyone Claire, and you're hurt cause the love story that you made up for yourself fell apart, and it's all in your mind. Claire: I'm dead. Jack: Don't be so dramatic. Jack: The girl is dead. Jack: I thought I was disconnected from everything, for a long time I'd been leading an unstable, risky life. I'd hung out with all sorts of people, nothing could shock me anymore. I was not impressed by the unexpected, I'd always been able to handle it. That night however, when I saw Claire again, I just fell to pieces. I thought I'd managed to forget her, I'd overcome the pain and remorse which made me want to see her again. Jack: Will you be here when I get back? Claire: Do you want me to be? Jack: Yes. Jack: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • She looks at him again, then with a painful smile she switches off the light and leaves. The room is dark again. Claire is gone. The following day I asked her to wait for me, I never saw her again; I was arrested a few moments later. No doubt believing it was all another lie, she'd slit her wrists with a knife. As Charlie would say, the Gods are on my side; the police found her, saving her life just in time. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Jack: Did you read it? Claire: Yeah, I did. Jack: And? Claire: I don't blame you you know, I never did. Jack: [swallows] Claire: And going to the dark side of the moon wasn't the worst thing. Jack: What was? Claire: Going alone. Jack: What are we gonna do? You're the smart one, help me out. Claire: You do what all good writers do, you write a new book. Jack: I've slept with more than 200 women. Claire: [Laughs] 200? Well Will Chamberlin said he slept with 20,000, so that kinda makes you look like a punk. Jack: You know something...You really have a dumb laugh. Claire: Hey listen, just cause I'm talking to you doesn't mean that I'm on the market. I have a boyfriend. Jack: Sure you do, He's probably one of those piss ant preppy motherfu**ers who sh**s his pants every time Daddy's check is a day late. Claire: He loves me. Jack: Oh he loves you... Claire: I don't think that's anything you know about. Jack: Loves just a 4 letter word... Claire: You can't smoke in here. Jack: Oh No? [Pulls an ashtray out of his pocket and sets it on the table] Jack: Now I can. Claire: So what do you like? Besides smoking? Jack: What do I like? Boxer who can hook off the jab. Oysters, Rockafeller. Rugrats. Anything that gives me a kick. Claire: And you make a living out of that? Jack: Uh huh, Not bad. Some nights I go out with Charlie and I rip off forigen business men. You should turn me into the police, you'd be doing the world a favor. Claire: Its too late. Someone already did. I'm an undercover agent for the RICO squad. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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