Amores Possíveis (2001)

  • 巴西
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  • 喜剧  爱情
Amores Possíveis
  • 片       名Amores Poss...
  • 上映时间2002年03月11日(阿根廷)
  • 导       演 Sandra Wer...


  • Maria: 9 o'clock... You know what a boring Lourdes is about punctuality. Please don't be late as usual. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Carlos 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I'd rather only show up in time for coffee. Maria: You're always arguing with Lourdes. Carlos: I hate her dinners parties, that's all. Maria: You always have fun... Carlos: After a couple of whiskies I'd even enjoy a funeral. Pedro: I hate dreaming. If it was a bad dream, you have cold sweats. And a good dream is just a dream... I hate dreaming! Carlos: Pedro, would you be capable of waiting for someone? Pedro: I am waiting... Carlos: Seriously, could you wait for a woman for very long time? Pedro: I'm not exactly famous for being patient with the opposite sex. How long? Carlos: 15 years. Pedro: 15 years?! I thought you mean half an hour, 20 minutes! No woman deserves that long... Carlos: I had a weird dream... Pedro: Was I in it? Carlos: It wasn't that weird! Carlos' Mother: Look, son, nails, piercings... they're all relatives! Carlos' Mother: It's because you always find something wrong with everyone of your girlfriends. Carlos: They all had problems! Carlos' Mother: What is wrong with Marta? Carlos: Talked too much! Carlos' Mother: And Renata? Carlos: Talked too little! Carlos' Mother: And Verinha? Carlos: She was agitated, couldn't keep still... Carlos' Mother: And Laís? Carlos: Laís was weird. She liked iranian movies! Carlos: I don't know what I did to her treat me so bad. Pedro: Nothing! You just dumped her for the guy you played soccer with on Tuesday nights. What a better reason than that? Carlos: This things happen... Pedro: Sure they do. But usually guys play a game with their friends, talk a load of nonsense and then go home smelling of beer. That's not exactly what happened to you... Carlos: I want an independent woman. But at the same time, she must be totally commited to her partner. I don't like submissive women, but on the other hand, she must know that her main role in life is make me happy. Meeting agency's secretary: Intellectual? Carlos: No way! Cultured, yes! But not intellectual! She should be refined, speak two or three languages, enjoy poetry, jazz and movies... Preferably Woody Allen and Truffaut, if possible. Júlia's friend: Pedro is gorgeous. Is he single? Julia: No. He's married! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Júlia's friend 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • c31 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : Shit! Handsome men are either gay or married... Julia: Well, this one is gay and married. Júlia's friend: Lucky I found out! Julia: The truth is I got more involved that I should. Carlos: Where is written how much to love someone? What's it measured in? Carlos: Julia, I waited 15 years for you. Don't be so long this time... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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