The Barber (2001)

  • 加拿大 英国
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  • 灾难  惊悚
The Barber
  • 片       名The Barber
  • 上映时间2003年12月17日(西班牙)
  • 导       演 Michael Ba...


  • Paddy: Shot, choked, there's no difference... Dexter Miles: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Oh, there is, if you love someone. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Levi Gansby: [referring to Buffalo's empty bottle of Revelstoke whiskey] Shit, you drank all the Revy! 'Buffalo' Sedwick: [mockingly] 'You drank all the Revy.' So what, hillbilly? There's plenty more back in the truck. Levi Gansby: The truck is a good half-mile hike outta here - and I AIN'T no hillbilly. 'Buffalo' Sedwick: Well... [sniffing] 'Buffalo' Sedwick: if it smells like shit... and looks like shit [chuckling] 'Buffalo' Sedwick: I'd be bettin' it is shit. Levi Gansby: Shut yer head! Shut yer head! I gonna teach you some respect! [shoves Buffalo to the ground] Levi Gansby: . Chief Vance Corgan: So, did you two lovebirds have a little domestic dispute? Levi Gansby: A domes... a domestic what? Chief Vance Corgan: A fight? A quarrel? 'Buffalo' Sedwick: No, we was just drinkin', y'know, bein' off-time and all. And we just gotta little outta sorts, y'know? Levi Gansby: We tripped - that's all, we just tripped. Chief Vance Corgan: Is that the truth, Buffalo? Did ya trip? 'Buffalo' Sedwick: Yeah, we tripped when we found the body cause, y'know, it scared us pretty good. Chief Vance Corgan: So, you didn't see anything else? Just the body? 'Buffalo' Sedwick: No, we... we just... we just saw the body. I mean, well, I mean, uh, there mighta been some footprints, but... you probably drove over them comin' out here. Levi Gansby: [sarcastically] Driving over footprints ain't exactly protocol. Is it there, Chief? Chief Vance Corgan: What's that fucking stench? Dr. Kirby Halstrom: Death. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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