Ricky 6 (2001)

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  • 惊悚  犯罪  恐怖
Ricky 6


  • Tweasel: [scared] I'm getting weird vibes, man... Ricky: [staring down on him] What kind of vibes? Tweasel: I'm thinkin' you wanna hurt me... Ricky: I'm not gunna hurt you, Tweasel... Tweasel: [relieved] You're not? Ricky: No. I'm gunna kill you. Wiley: [to Ricky] You're not listening. It's 'string up'. He wants you to 'string up'. [after first stabbing Tweasel] Ricky: Say you love Satan. Go on. Tweasel: No. I love my mom. Ricky: [stabs again] Say it. Say you love Satan. Ricky: Come on, you guys. Blow out your candle and say you love Satan. Ricky: I didn't have to kill Tweasel... I wanted to. [about rehab] Wiley: What kinda drugs they give ya in there? Lithium right? Ricky: No, I think it was like Haldon. Wiley: Haldon? [thinking] Wiley: Haldon... Haldon... fuck, I usually know my drugs. [pause] Wiley: Ohhh... you're a little schizo huh? Ollie: I can't go to the library. It's too relaxing. Every time I go, I gotta shit. [prompting Ricky to steal the book about Satanism] Pat Pagan: Go on, boy, feel the heat. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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