
辣手美眉 (2000) 5.1

The In Crowd

2001-06-21(匈牙利)| 惊悚 灾难| 美国
上映时间:2001-06-21(匈牙利) 类型: 惊悚 灾难
评分: 力荐

雅瑞安到一家高级乡村俱乐部工作,并认识了布兰妮;这里有一群富家子弟大学生组成的小团体,而布兰妮正是团体的头头。 富有又具魅力的布兰妮很快地成为雅瑞安的生活导师,带领她见识什么才叫「生活」,并认识团体中的成员。 成员中的帅哥麦特迷上了雅瑞安,巧的是,他也是布兰妮...更多>


[after first seeing the rich kids] Adrien Williams: Maybe in my next life, huh? Joanne: That's not a life. It's a J. Crew catalogue. Brittany Foster: Look you don't get it do you Adrian. I showed you how things worked around here because I sympathized with you, being the outsider. But just remember this, I brought you in and if you decide to fuck with me I can just a easily throw you out. Adrien Williams: Am I supposed to be scared now? Brittany Foster: I would be. Tanya: You're crazy! They're gonna see it on you out there. They're gonna see it all over you. And they'll send you back. You'll see! [Brittany is talking to Tom] Brittany Foster: You're so lame right now, you'd screw up a wet dream. Adrien Williams: Brittany, you need help. [Brittany hits her with a shovel] Brittany Foster: No, YOU need help Adrien! Bobby: Wow guys... I think you met your match. Andy: Did we just get dissed by the cabana girl? Sheila: God, you're quick. Adrien Williams: You know Doc, we still never had that talk about this whole knocking a little ball into a hole obsession of yours. Bobby: What are we gonna do? We don't have any proof. We don't have any cards left to play. Adrien Williams: What do you do if you want to stay in the game, and you've got nothing in your hand?


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