
惩与罪 (2000) 6.7

Crime and Punishment in Suburbia

2000-12-27(冰岛)| 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:2000-12-27(冰岛) 类型: 惊悚
获奖信息:圣丹斯国际电影节(2000年) 获奖:1
评分: 力荐

This is a contemporary fable loosely based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment". Roseanne (Monica Keena) is outwardly a pe...更多>


Vincent: Roseanne was pretty, and she had money, and she worked hard to be liked, but that didn't mean that guys like me could talk to her. [when being grabed by Jimmy] Vincent: Don't touch me unless you love me. Roseanne: What a strange path it took to find my heart. Vincent: I used to think if I killed somebody I would want to go to the cemetery and apologize. That's not really what guilt is though. Guilt's a feeling you have towards people who are living. It's like everyday you're out there shaking hands, talking. But you, the guilty person, you know that it's all unreal. It's like guilt is this secret inside of you that destroys the fabric of everything, and then everything's unreal. You can't even have a life. But it's not necessary for it to destroy you. You just have to face it. Vincent: Do you want to know why we left New York? Roseanne: [just looks at him] Vincent: I robbed this old lady who lived next door to us. Roseanne: You did? Vincent: Yeah. Smashed up a bunch of stuff, got caught. They said I was walking the halls like a damaged little fucker. [laughs] Roseanne: I think you still are. Roseanne: You're such a weirdo. I don't even know why I listen to you. Vincent: Because your heart knows I can see it. Prosecutor: Didn't you say that you... wished your husband was dead? Maggie Skolnick: Yes. Prosecutor: ...and when you... found the body... Maggie Skolnick: Well, I was like...”What strange god did this?" [Vincent takes a picture of the class pledging allegence] Teacher: What the hell are you doing, Vincent? Vincent: I wanted to get a picture of what it looks like. Teacher: What what looks like? Vincent: People pledging allegence. [Class laughs] Roseanne: What's wrong with you? Why are you always giving people a reason to laugh at you? Vincent: I'm sorry, was I not fitting in?


Vincent's Mom


: How's school? Vincent: [peeling carrots with knife] I love it. If they had it at night, I'd never leave. Vincent's Mom: You know, it's going to be so interesting to see what you're like when you get out of this gloomy stage. [Vincent smiles and stabs the table with the knife] Jimmy: [after their conversation is interrupted by his coach] Can't we kill him instead? Roseanne: We'll get him next if we have to.


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