"Waking the Dead" (2000)

  • 英国
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  • 犯罪  灾难
  • 剧       情
    Det. Supt. Peter Boyd (played by Trevor Eve) is the leader of a multi-discipline police team of detectives and scientists, the Cold Case Squ...


  • [looking at key-fob of victim's car keys] DS Spencer Jordan: What car has a turtle for its emblem? Dr Grace Foley: A slow one! DS Spencer Jordan: The computer's full of hard-core. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: That's why they call it a hard drive. [Boyd has caught Frankie breaking open the coin box on the vending machine] Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Thanks, Frankie, this thing's been costing me a fortune! Dr. Frankie Wharton: I get the pounds, you can keep the fifties! [talking about the victim of a sexual murder] Dr. Frankie Wharton: I don't like the way the semen was left, though. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: So how do you like your semen left, Frankie? Dr. Frankie Wharton: All right, Spence? DS Spencer Jordan: [he doesn't speak. He can't. He stares at her as tears begin to form in his eyes] Dr. Frankie Wharton: Who? DS Spencer Jordan: Mel [Mel and Boyd are in a toilet cubicle watching a suspect on the laptop. They hear the door open] DC: Frankie? Dr Grace Foley: No, it's Grace. Hi DC: Are you on your own? Dr Grace Foley: Yes... DC: [Mel opens the door and checks around before turning round and talking to Boyd] It's all clear [Mel walks out and the door swings open to show Boyd sat on the toilet seat] Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Hi, Grace Dr Grace Foley: Hi, Boyd... Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Who wrote that stuff about me on the walls? [he begins to walk past her] Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Excuse me. Dr Grace Foley: You haven't washed your hands. Dr. Nick Henderson: We've all had days like that, haven't we? You make one small mistake, and because of that you make a bigger one. You leave your wallet by the bed. Then you go up to get it. You trip over the rug, you break your leg. Next thing you know, you're in hospital with a fatal infection. Just because you forgot your wallet. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: If you feel remotely threatened, you call it in. Stella: Yep. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Even if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, you call it in. Stella: Okay. [moves to get out of the car] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Det. Supt. Peter Boyd 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Stella. If he puts a hand on your leg, you - Stella: I've got it. Really. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: He was depressed; what about suicide? Dr. Frankie Wharton: Yeah, but you wouldn't stick a nail through your own head, would you? Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: You might if you were very depressed. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: You can make the right decision or the wrong decision. The right decision is to put down the weapon and give yourself up. The wrong decision is to shoot me and I sincerely hope you don't do that. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I fancied a woman once who worked in a deli. I knew all her hours. I even followed her home on the Tube. I suppose that was a sort of stalking thing. Dr Grace Foley: Did you chat her up? Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Yeah. Dr Grace Foley: Oh, well, then you stopped being an observer, didn't you? Did you ask her out? Casually, so that you wouldn't lose face if she said no? Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: She did say no. It just made me want her all the more. I sent her flowers. I remember hanging around for hours. Ended up with a fridge full of dolcelatte and olives. Dr Grace Foley: But, you see, ultimately, you knew when no meant no. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: No. Dr Grace Foley: Sorry? Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I married her. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Have you ever surfed the net? Dr Grace Foley: No. Doesn't appeal to me. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: It's unrestricted access to some of the strangest people on the planet. It's perfect for you. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I'll have to have a word with you, please. Jacqueline Wright: We're going to Longleat. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I'm afraid the lions will have to wait. DC: You're paranoid, Boyd. You should talk to Grace about it. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: She hates me. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Okay, get the DNA and this file over to the PSNI and the Garda Síochána. Stella: The who? The what? Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: The Irish police forces. Stella: How do you spell Síochána? Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: With an S. Dr Grace Foley: So, we got a murder weapon - that's a breakthrough. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: We got the French girl, too. Dr Grace Foley: Shut up, Spence. All you're worrying about is that Boyd's let you down. You put him on a pedestal and he's fallen off. DS Spencer Jordan: That's rubbish! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dr Grace Foley 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : No, it's textbook. Stella: [to a frightened witness] Look, we're not monsters, Sarah. Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: Speak for yourself! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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