The Crossing (2000)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 历史  战争
The Crossing
  • 片       名The Crossing
  • 上映时间2000年01月10日(美国)
  • 导       演 罗伯特·哈蒙
  • 又       名The Crossing
  • 编       剧 Howard Fas...


  • Gen. George Washington: [before entering a boat] Move your fat ass, Henry. [Soldiers laugh] Soldier #1: What did he say? Soldier #2: Move your fat ass. Gen. George Washington: [to Knox] Don't swing your balls or you'll swamp the boat. [soldiers laugh again] Gen. George Washington: [after explaining his plan to Glover] Can you do it? Col. John Glover: No, but I will. Gen. George Washington: Now what the devil is that supposed to mean? Soldier #1: What are you smoking? Soldier #2: Dried cow dung. Soldier #1: What's it taste like? Soldier #2: Shit. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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