
  • Bronson: Tell me where John is and I'll finish you quick. I promise you won't have to find out what your left ball tastes like. Porter: [voiceover] Crooked cops. Do they come in any other way? If I'd been just a little dumber, I could have joined the force myself. Stegman: You know what, Val, this one's on me. OK? Val Resnick: Do you see me reaching for my fucking wallet? Pearl: [seductively] I've got a few minutes. Porter: So go boil an egg. Porter: [voiceover] Not many people know what their life's worth is. I do. Seventy grand. That's what they took from me. And that's what I was going to get back. Porter: We went for breakfast... in Canada. We made a deal; if she'd stop hookin', I'd stop shooting people. [pause] Porter: Maybe we were aiming high. [Porter has just threatened to kill Carter while talking to Bronson on the phone] Bronson: Are you threatening me? Porter: I'm not threatening you, I'm threatening Carter. Bronson: [answering phone] What the hell's going on? Porter: You were right not to trust me. [Bomb, planted earlier by Bronson's Outfit, is triggered by answering the phone and explodes] [after knocking Rosie down] Val Resnick: Hubba, hubba, hubba. I knew I'd seen that ass before. Val Resnick: The problem with kicking a Chow's ass is an hour later you wanna do it again. Carter: Stitch this mutt up, Phil. Phil: Any Polaroids or trophies? Carter: No, not this time. Carter: Do you understand your value to the organization, Resnick? [pause] Carter: You're a sadist. You lack compunction. That comes in handy. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Porter shoots a hole in Fairfax's suitcase] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Fairfax: Hey. What the hell are you doing, man? This is... Bronson: [on speakerphone] Fairfax? Fairfax. Fairfax: No, no, it's all right, he's just killing my alligator bags and shooting holes in my suits. Man, that's just MEAN. That's MEAN, man. [repeated line] Stegman: You're not gonna fuckin' kill me, are you? [after Porter shoots Val in the leg and puts a cigarette in his mouth] Porter: You got a light? Val Resnick: What? Porter: You got a light? Val Resnick: No. Porter: Then what good are you? [Porter shoots Resnick in the face] Porter: Ya got a light, Val? Val Resnick: No. Huh-uh. Porter: [long pause] Porter: Well... then what fucking good are you? Porter: [Porter stuffs a pillow over Val's face and shoots him through it] Porter: Who makes the decisions? Carter: Well, a committee would make the decision in this case... Porter: One man... you go high enough you always come to one man... who? [Resnick has a gun to Rosie's head] Val Resnick: How do you know him? Rosie: He used to drive me. Val Resnick: Yeah, well I'm driving you now, honey. Rosie: You know what you are? Val Resnick: Educate me... Rosie: O.K., an ugly pig who beats up women on account he can't get it up 'cause he's too terrified of his own fucking shadow. Val Resnick: Is that right? Rosie: Yeah. Val Resnick: Is that right? Rosie: Yeah. Val Resnick: Then you must be the lucky girl. Val Resnick: [pistol whips Rosie] Carter: I don't want Mr. Bronson hearing about this... he'll think I'm getting soft. One of his principles has always been: if you don't understand it, get rid of it... a stitch in time, so to speak, so... stitch this mut up Phil. Val Resnick: Beauty of the Chows is that they won't go to the cops. They keep everything in house... and, they don't feel pain the way we do. Porter: You notice anything about those guys, Val? Val Resnick: They look nasty... probably all Kung Fu-motherfuckers. Why, did I miss something? Porter: They weren't wearing their seatbelts. Porter: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [voiceover] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You'd think after five months of lying on my back, I would have given up any idea of getting even, just be a nice guy and call it a day. Nice guys are fine: you have to have somebody to take advantage of... but they always finish last. [first lines] Porter: [voiceover] GSW: that's what the hospitals call it: gunshot wound. Doctor has to report it to the police. That makes it hard for guys in my line to get what I call, quality health care. Stegman: Don't let the bastards get ya' down. Porter: [voiceover] Nobody likes a monkey on his back: I had three, and they were cramping my style. I was gonna' have to lighten the load. Porter: You said it: they're not going to stop until they bury us... Rosie: So?... Porter: So we bury them first. [Porter is asking Rosie about Resnick's whereabouts] Rosie: How strong are you, Porter? Personally, I think you are the strongest man I have ever met. But I wonder if it's enough. Porter: For what? Rosie: If I know you, you want this Resnick guy for something he won't like. Porter: Yeah, I'm gonna kill him. Rosie: That's something he won't like. Rosie: I think all those stories about you being dead are true. You're just too thick-headed to admit it. Carter: There's an old expression that's served me well: "Do not shit where you eat." Rosie: Meet the nastiest damn dog who ever lived. Porter: What's 'is name? Rosie: "Porter". He took your job after you left. He's just as tough but he won't leave me. [nuzzling the dog] Rosie: Will you, baby? Fairfax: What are you doing this for, man? Is it the principle of the thing? Porter: Stop it, I'm getting misty. [starts to walk out] Porter: And tell him it's $70,000! Fairfax: $70,000? Hell, my shoes are worth more than that! [Val opens the door to let Pearl in. Upon entering she slaps him] Pearl: On your knees bitch, I want satisfaction. Porter: [narrating, after watching his wife stumble home in a drugged state] Old habits die hard, I guess... if you don't kick 'em, they kick you. Ain't marriage grand? [Pearl has an appointment with Val in his hotel room] Oakwood Arms Manager: There's a young lady to see you, sir... her name is Pearl. Val Resnick: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • She's got two very bad habits; right now I'm only interested in one of 'em. Send her up. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Porter has just shot Carter] Carter: You just don't get it, do you, you dumb... fuck. [dies] Carter: There are three ways we can handle this. One: we can help you. Two: We can allow you to help yourself. And Three: We can have you replaced... We have an investment in you Resnick, of time, money and training, so assisting you, in a way, would be protecting our investment... and THAT is always good business policy. Carter: The Outfit is not unreasonable, Porter... but no corporation in the world would agree to what you're asking. Homeless Man: [begging for change] Help a cripple! Help a homeless! Help a Vietnam vet walk again! Help a cripple! Thank you, sir! Help a Veitnam vet walk again! Help a cripple! Thank you, sir! Porter: [Poter grabs all of the money out of the homeless man's hat] Homeless Man: Hey, what the fuck you doin! Porter: [chokes the homeless man] Shut up, I cured ya'! Bronson: I'll get you your money, but you're never gonna' live to enjoy it. Porter: You let me worry about that. Here's the deal: I want you to deliver the money yourself. Bronson: You're one hell of an optimist. What in the world makes you think I'm gonna' deliver the money myself? Porter: Well if you don't you'll never see little Johnny again... Didn't come homw from the fight last nigh, di he? He's a good lookin' kid, but I think you indulge him too much. I told him so. Bronson: Bullshit. You haven't got him. You wouldn't be that stupid. Porter: My Dad never bought me a Ferrari. I had to steal my first one. Nice inscription on the keychain. A little sappy. Want me to read it? Bronson: You're dead Porter. Nobody fucks with my family. You hear me? You're a dead man. Porter: That's Johnny, Mr Bronson, unless you turn up with the money... Is that a yes?... What's a matter? Cat got your crotch. Hmmm? Some decisions are hard, Mr. Bronson. Bronson: Where? Porter: I'll let you know. I'll be in touch. [Porter's stolen card has been cancelled while he is dining in] Waiter: Sir, your credit card has been rejected. Porter: Impossible. Waiter: Well, I tried it three times. Do you have any other form of payment? Porter: Try it again. [the waiter walks away, Porter grabs all his cash and leaves the restuarant] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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