人生 (1999)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名人生
  • 上映时间2000年02月29日
  • 导       演 泰德·戴米
  • 剧       情
     故事发生在美国实行禁酒令的年代,小扒手雷(艾迪墨菲)和爱小赌两把的准银行行员克劳(马丁劳伦斯)在因缘际会的情况下,必须为史班吉(瑞克詹姆斯)运送私酒。   然而原本只是到密西西比买酒的两人却在坏心警长的陷害下,被诬告犯下谋杀罪而获判终生监禁;无辜入狱的雷和克劳两个人由原本一见面...
  • 获       奖


  • Rayford Gibson: The Cotton Club's alright. But it ain't got nothin' on The Boom Boom Room. If any of you ever get to New York, go to Ray's Boom Boom Room, the most happening spot in all of Manhattan. Cookie: You've got your very own nightclub? Rayford Gibson: Well, it's kinda in the development stage, but I'll get it. Goldmouth: Well, then it don't exist. Rayford Gibson: It does up here, Goldmouth. It exists in my mind. You've got to have that. That's where it all starts. As a man think it, so then shall he get, some shit like that. You've read the bible, right? Rayford Gibson: We got thirty-six cases of booze. That's better than money. Dexter Wilkins: Claude, you've been on this farm for a long time, haven't you? Claude Banks: Yes, sir, over 40 years. Dexter Wilkins: 40 years... that's a long time for any crime, even murder. Claude Banks: It's a whole lot longer when you're innocent. Dexter Wilkins: Most of the men on this farm say they're innocent, Claude. Don't you think that's pretty funny? Claude Banks: Well, you have to forgive me if I don't laugh. Goldmouth: Hey, girl! You gon' eat yo' cornbread? Rayford Gibson: You ain't gon' get my cornbread, that's for darn sho'! Willie Long: The man's takin' enough of a beatin'. Goldmouth, take and carry him on inside. Rayford Gibson: (in pain) He ain't gettin' my cornbread, Claude! Jangle Leg: I da pappy. Goldmouth: Maybe I oughta eat *your* cornbread. Rayford Gibson: Motherfucker, you can't have my cornbread. That's for damn sure. You try and take my cornbread, Killing Spree, Part 2 gon' begin up in here on your ass. You thinking about my cornbread, better get the taste out your mouth. That's for damn sure. Claude Banks: Ray, chill out - Rayford Gibson: No, fuck him. Fuck that, 'cause I'm from New York City, goddammit. Nobody take no cornbread from me. That goes for anyone of you motherfucking farmers who wanna start some shit. You fuck around with me, there's gonna be consequences and repercussions. Jake: So Ray and Claude get out, right? Leon: Naw, they didn't get out. If they got out then, we wouldn't be burying them here today, would we? Jake: Yeah, that's right. Willie Long: What happens is, old man Wilkins never come out of the bathroom. Sat right there and died on the shitter. Claude Banks: The bullets weren't the problem, ray. The pie was too hot! Burned my damn tongue. Claude Banks: [standing on a crate of bottles] Damnit, my toe slipped in the bottle. Claude Banks: Don't touch this car. Rayford Gibson: 'Cause I piss on the motherfucker. I ain't gonna touch it, I piss on it. Claude Banks: Why you got to say nasty shit, Ray? Rayford Gibson: 'Cause I'm a nasty motherfucker. Rayford Gibson: [after being denied pie] Look, My Name's Ray Gibson I'm from New York. Let's talk Turkey, How much will it cost for you turn two of those whites-only pies into two nigger pies Billy's Mama: [cocks gun] How 'bout I turn y'all into Nigger pie? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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