
艾米和加古娅 (1999) 5.9

Aimée & Jaguar 更多片名>

1999-11-18(荷兰)| 爱情 战争| 德国
上映时间:1999-11-18(荷兰) 类型: 爱情 战争
获奖信息:柏林国际电影节(1999年第49届) 获奖:2  提名:2
评分: 力荐

  1943年的柏林,当犹太人被一批批送往集中营时,一名犹太女子在为一家纳粹报纸工作,私下里偷偷给抵抗运动传送信息。她还是同性恋者,在夜间疯狂派对结识了一名老公在俄国前线的党卫军妻子,并跟她发生关系。片名是她俩的互相昵称。 ============================...更多>


[Berlin Resistance] Felice: The 50 best photographers were sent to photograph the most beautiful buildings, they'll destroy everything. Here, for our English friends. Fritz: Are you crazy, what is this? Felice: The latest transport lists from Hungary. Have Schmidty photograph them. 'Til tomorrow. Fritz: Felice. You've lost every sense of danger. That's not good, not for any of us. Propaganda Radio: Germans are capable of overcoming mental and physical obstacles. The German people have demonstrated their strength in the past years. Without a doubt they will emerge from this tremendous war as the most glorious people of all time. Lilly Wust: Felice. Please, don't hurt me. Felice: I'd better go. Lilly Wust: I'd die if you did. Lilly Wust: I don't know why Felice, but since you're here, everything makes sense. Felice: Don't say that too often, or I'll run away. Gunther Wust: I need a wife with character. Or a lawyer. Felice: Have you heard that General Paulus and his staff joined the Russians. They're getting closer and closer under German leadership. They all deserve an injection. [after assassination attempt on Hitler] Nazi reporter: Field Marshal von Witzleben has taken over power. The Head of State is General Beck. The SS, SA and the Gestapo are under the immediate command of the army. And not a word from Goebbels. Nothing. German Civilian: Life is just; first the bombers, then the real coffee. Felice: I'm Jewish, Lilly. Lilly Wust: What are you? Felice: The worst was when my mother died. Since then I've never felt safe, only with you. Lilly Wust: How can you love me? Felice: I've tried not to. Lilly Wust: Felice... Don't leave me. Lilly Wust: What do you want Felice? Felice:


You. All of you. Everything! But I'd be satisfied with one single moment, so perfect, it would last a lifetime. For example, this one. This one here is great. I don't want forever. I want now. Now! Now! Now! I want loads of 'nows' and I want them til I turn old and grey. And besides, I want more cake.


Nazi Editor: Now that the Jewish mania for destruction has shown itself in the deeds of those aerial pirates even the weak and cowardly among us have realised that National Socialism is our peoples greatest and only hope. The world can mock us but it will tremble when it realises what tremendous feats this people is capable of. Lotte: My lover always says goodbye as if it were the last time. Felice: Is it a crime not to have a cause? Mr. Jager: If Churchill thinks he's done us in he's wrong. Now while we're dancing. Felice's Boss: We shot down 41 planes, but my toilet is gone. Felice: Here's to the Germans, the most honest people in the world. You'll all destroy yourselves. Felice: If we aren't allowed to go to the theatre, let's enjoy Mrs. Wust. Lilly Wust: Felice, why do you mean so much to me?


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