新孤星血泪 (1999)

  • 英国
  • 片       名新孤星血泪
  • 上映时间1999年04月12日
  • 导       演 朱利安·杰拉德
  • 剧       情
    Young Pip is expected to become a blacksmith, but, hating the soot and smoke, he secretly dreams of becoming a gentleman. When he meets the ...


  • Miss Havisham: You cold, cold heart! Estella: Do you reproach ME of being cold? I learned your lessons. I am what you have made me. Miss Havisham: So proud! Estella: Who taught me to be proud? Who told me that daylight would blight me, that I may not go out in it and now I cannot? I have never once been unfaithful to you or to your 'schooling'. I have never shown any weakness that I can charge myself with! Miss Havisham: Would it be weakness to return respect? To return love? Estella: 'Love'? Pip: It seems that these past few years I have been harbouring an illusion. More than one, in fact... And you humoured them. You led me on... Miss Havisham: Yes, I let you go on. Pip: Was that kind? Miss Havisham: Who am I, for God's sake, that I should be kind? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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