The '60s (1999)

  • 美国


  • Bill Herlihy: Are you still my baby? Katie Herlihy: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • No, dad, I grew up. But I am still your daughter. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [On his son Michael being a Conscientious Objector to Vietnam] Bill Herlihy: "If my son says he can't fight, it's not because he's not brave enough, it's because he's brave enough to stand up for what he believes in." Michael Herlihy: Wait, I forgot Something Sarah Weinstock: What? Michael Herlihy: My Heart. [News crews are videotaping police brutality during a civil rights march] Sheriff: You know, Willie, these cameras ain't gonna be here every day. Rev. Willie Taylor: No they won't. But we will. Rev. Willie Taylor: Don't you EVER forget what you seen here. Brian Herlihy: This is the wrong war for your principles. Bill Herlihy: I may not know what exactly a consciencious objector is. But I do know what a consciense is. [Michael is depressed after Robert Kennedy's murder] Bill Herlihy: Who do you want? Nixon? Becasue that's what you're gonna get if you keep this up. Nixon. Katie Herlihy: [Katie is broke and no-one will help her] Peace and love, my ass! I hate this goddamn city! Katie Herlihy: Michael Rainbow, I'm going to make you a promise. I am going to take this money, and then I am going to find a nice, warm place for us to stay, for as long as we want. [starts crying] Katie Herlihy: I don't know where! But we are never going to spend another night sleeping on a stranger's couch and begging for food, I promise you, ok? I swear to God! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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