
  • Kayla Harris: [crying] You son of a bitch! Olivia knew. She new exactly who you were. You found that picture, didn't you? Ric Ortega: What are you talking about? Kayla Harris: You *know* what I'm talking about! Kayla Harris: Don't start on Ric because you don't even know him. Olivia King: I've known a lot of Rics. *You* don't know him. Kayla Harris: Yeah. About a week less than I've known you. Peggy: [before showing her a tabloid of her and Kayla] This is not gonna make your day. The good news is they got it right. The bad new is they got it all. Olivia King: Oh, my God! Oh, God! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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