德州四杰 (1998)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  家庭
  • 片       名德州四杰
  • 上映时间1998年11月11日
  • 导       演 蒂姆·麦肯莱斯
  • 剧       情


  • Sue Ann: I don't know how the two of you live in this trailer at an angle like this. Squirrel: He was drunk when he parked it. Never got around to leveling it. Sue Ann: Well, I guess y'all haven't been here long. Squirrel: Twelve years. Sue Ann: Oh. Reverend: Squirrel, we've missed you in church these past few years. Keller's Grandfather: There's a fly in here! Squirrel: I had no idea that little arrow could go so far below the E. [Looking up at the stars] Squirrel: Let me get this straight, the universe was chaos right? Now billions and billions of years later, it works out to the point where me and my father 'the drunk' living in a trailer in the outskirts of Dancer, Texas. Terrell Lee Lusk: So, what's your point? Squirrel: Well I don't have a point. There is no point, that's my point. Squirrel: You know what I just realized? John Hemphill: What? Squirrel: [About Jean, Loretta and Vivian] Now there's 3 of them and only 2 of us. John Hemphill: Yeah, how about that? Squirrel: Things in Dancer will definitely be looking up. John Hemphill: Definitely. Squirrel: Hi Loretta. Loretta: Hi Squirrel, listen don't be so depressed about choir today you bein' so terrible in all. First time's always bad. You won't be so quite terrible next week you'll see. Vivian: With 13 million people out there, you're bound to find yourself a real nice girl. Keller Coleman: Think so? [Vivian nods and they hug] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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