白鲸 (1998)

  • 英国 澳大利亚
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  • 冒险
  • 片       名白鲸
  • 上映时间1998年03月15日(美国)
  • 导       演 佛兰克·罗丹


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  • Peter Coffin: You a commadore, then, or a cook? Ishmael: No, a simple sailor, jumping from spar to spar like a grasshopper in a May meadow. Very much like a slave. But who isn't a slave? Tell me that. Peter Coffin: I suppose you're going whaling, then? Ishmael: Aye. Would you be having a room for a simple sailor, Mr. Coffin? Peter Coffin: Aye, if you've no objection to sharing a blanket with a simple harpooner. Ishmael: It seems a trifle small for two grown men. Peter Coffin: Well, if you're going to go whaling, you better get used to that sort of thing. Why, look at that bed. It's the biggest bed in the house. I've soundly slept in that bed many a night. Plenty of room! Ishmael: Mind you, I'm not complaining, Mr. Coffin, it's just I'd like to know what sort of man I'd be sharing it with. Peter Coffin: Well, uh, the harpooner I may be able to find someplace else for tonight. Queequeg: I killee! Peter Coffin: Now, Queequeg, stop that! Ishmael: Why didn't you tell me that this harpooner I'd be sharing a bed with is a cannibal, for God's sake? Peter Coffin: Now, listen to me, Queequeg. You savvy me, I savvy you. This lad sleep here in this bed with you. You savvy? Queequeg: Me savvy plenty. Ishmael: What the devil's the matter with you? Queequeg: Ishmael no want go on ship with Queequeg? Ishmael: No. I mean, yes, of course I do. But you would be better suited to pick out a whaler that's suited for both of us, not I, and I shall certainly not take your money. Queequeg, I fear I must make a confession. I used to be a schoolteacher. Do you know what that is? Queequeg: Aye. Missionary. Ishmael: No. Well, not exactly. What I'm trying to say is that I've never jumped a spar in my life. Queequeg: Ishmael no sailor? Ishmael: Aye. Me no sailor. It's just that I have this burning desire to go to sea. Queequeg: Me Ojo savvy. Ishmael pick ship. Ishmael pick ship. Capt. Peleg: What do you know about whaling? Ishmael: Nothing, sir. But I want to see what whaling is. I want to see the world. Capt. Peleg: Can't you see the world from where you stand, young man? You want to see what whaling is, do you? Are you man enough to pitch a harpoon down a live whale's throat and jump after it? Ishmael: Well, I am, sir, if it be absolutely indispensible that I do so. Capt. Peleg: I'll tell you this: There's death in this business, young man. Queequeg: Ishmael, what is soul? Ishmael: Soul? Well, that's a difficult question. Do you believe in God? Like a big chief over all men? Queequeg: Like Ojo? Ishmael: Well, I reckon so, but bigger than that, like a captain of the sun. Mr. Flask: [pointing to Ishmael and Queequeg] Look at them two lovebirds. Captain Ahab: Aye, harpoons do like stuck in him like so many corkscrews. Aye, his spout is big, like Nantucket wheat. Aye, by death and devils, the white whale is Moby-Dick, if Moby-Dick you see! Starbuck: Captain Ahab, was it not Moby-Dick that cut off thy leg? Captain Ahab: Aye, Mr. Starbuck. Aye, my hearties all. It was Moby-Dick that dismantled me, that reaped off my leg like a mower a blade of grass and left me with this dead stump I stand on. For forever and a day I shall chase that white whale. Captain Ahab: Why the long face, Mr. Starbuck? Have you no game for Moby-Dick? Starbuck: Aye, I have game for his crooked jaw. I have game for the jaws of death, if that's part of the business we came for. Sir, I am here to hunt whale, not my commander's vengeance. How many barrels of oil will your vengeance yeild, I ask you? Captain Ahab: If money be the measure of everything we do, let me tell ye my vengeance will fetch a great premium here! Starbuck: What do you wish of me, Captain Ahab? Captain Ahab: Help me to strike a fin. Surely no impossible task for you, the best lancer of all Nantucket. Surely you, of all this crew, will not hold back. Starbuck: Time and tide flow wide, sir. Moby-Dick has the whole round watery world to swim in. Captain Ahab: I know his latitudes. I know his driftings, every sea-shelled ground and volcano bay. Starbuck: Here lies Nantucket, where our wives and children will be waiting, carrying wee babes up the hill to catch first glimpse of these sails. Your wife and son will be among them, captain, and we must not disappoint them. I am no crusader after perils. My course is set to return safely home with a full hold. 'Tis the object of our endeavour. Captain Ahab: Mr. Starbuck, until this be done, my boy's face is to me as the palm of my hand, an unfeatured blank. Starbuck: 'Tis madness to be such enraged. To seek vengeance on a dumb animal is blasphemous! Starbuck: Sir, I must request that you put your foreign boys to work. Them sitting idle is affecting the morale. Did you not hear me, Captain? Captain Ahab: They are not here as shipkeepers, Mr. Starbuck, or for any other purpose. They are here to find and slay the white whale. Captain Ahab: So you crossed his wake again? Capt. Boomer: Aye. Twice. Captain Ahab: But you could not fast him? Capt. Boomer: Why would I want him? Isn't one limb enough? My wants a profitable home. No thank you, sir. No more white whales for me. He's best left alone. Captain Ahab: Aye, but he'll be hunted nonetheless! What's best left alone, Captain, isn't always least to fight. When did you last see him? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Upon my soul, sir, your blood's at boiling point! Captain Ahab: Which way was he headed? Capt. Boomer: Good God! East, I think! Captain Ahab: East! Mr. Starbuck, prepare to set sail! We've wasted enough to time. Good day to you, Captain! Capt. Boomer: What the devil is wrong with him? Has he lost his senses? Starbuck: My apologies, Captain Boomer. No offense meant, I'm sure, sir. 'Tis the pain in his stump. Capt. Boomer: The man's mad! Starbuck: What about the boy, sir? Captain Ahab: Boy? What boy? Starbuck: Pip, sir. He's lost at sea. Captain Ahab: The tamborine boy? What the devil was he doing in your boat, Mr. Starbuck? Starbuck: He stowed away, sir, where he wasn't supposed to be. He's a kind-hearted, jolly little boy, sir. I'm afraid we've lost him. Queequeg: Me go find Pip! If Pip be dead, it be bad magic! Captain Ahab: Where was he, Captain? Not dead, was he? Not killed? Capt. Gardiner: My boy! I lost a whale boat! My own son was on that boat! For God's sake, help me find him! Captain Ahab: No ... no ... do not ask me. Capt. Gardiner: I know you, Ahab! You must help me! Let me charter your ship, sir, and I'll pay you handsomely! You must! You must and you shall do this for me, Ahab. Captain Ahab: The whale, Captain Gardiner! Where was he when you last laid eyes on him? Capt. Gardiner: I'll not go till you say aye to me, Ahab. I know you have a child of your own, safe in Nantucket. Queequeg: Queequeg be sailor no more. Captain Ahab: What is this, harpooner? Queequeg: You be bad magic! Captain Ahab: Away from me! Queequeg: Queequeg harpoon for you no more! Starbuck: May God forgive you, Ahab, may God forgive you... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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