Brink! (1998)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  运动
  • 片       名Brink!
  • 上映时间1998年08月29日(美国)
  • 导       演 Greg Beema...


  • Brink: We skate for fun. We're soul skaters. Gabriella: Say another word, and I'll hand you a body part. [as Brink heads out to school] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Brink 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Yo, Dad, what up? Ralph Brinker: English. That up. Gabriella: [describing her mother's reaction to her being suspended from school] There was screaming, yelling, and then there was crying and hugging. It was very Peruvian. How'd your family deal with it, Jordi? Jordi: There was sitting and staring. And afterwards, there was more sitting and staring. And for all I know, my parents are still in the living room, sitting and staring. Jordi: [sees Gabriella coming off the school bus in a dress] I didn't even know she owned one of those. [Brink is late] Peter: He'll be here. He said he'd be here. Jordi: Maybe something happened to him. Like maybe he got hit by a car. Or maybe his dad's back starting acting up and they had to rush him to the hospital. Gabriella: Or maybe he got kidnapped by aliens. Jordi: Don't joke. That happened to one of my uncles. Brink: Baking a cake is a lot like friendship. You put a lot of work into it, and sometimes it doesn't turn out the way you thought it would, but it still tastes good. Gabriella: I told you not to eat that spoonful of frosting. Peter: My step-dad's about to go postal on me if I don't let him use the phone. Brink: Val and his crew were dissin' us. We started givin' 'em beef right back, but they wanted to hit it right there at school. Clearly, we couldn't step off, so we had to battle. Ralph Brinker: Don't they teach English at your school? What am I askin' you for? You haven't been there long enough to find out. Ralph Brinker: Did we just come close to having a conversation? Brink: Don't tell Mom. Ralph Brinker: No point in letting her get her hopes up. Ralph Brinker: You are defined by the company you keep and how well you keep it. Not by what you just happen to do. Gabriella: That's how it all starts. You start doing something for love, then you start doing it for money and before you know it, you're just another sell-out. Brink: Yeah, I wanna win, but no matter what, win or lose, at the end of the day... I'm not you... so it's still a good day. Katie Brinker: Skate better! Katie Brinker: What's in the bag? Brink: Stuff. Katie Brinker: You have more stuff now then you did before. What's in the bag? Brink: Nunya. Katie Brinker: Nunya? Brink: Nunya business. Brink: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • When you woke up this morning, did you say to yourself 'Today, I'm gonna talk.' or 'Today, I'm gonna skate!'? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • edf 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Peter: I have a mom and a Jerry. Do the math - that makes one parent. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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