
  • Augur: They can't kill you while the world's watching, they'll have to wait 'till the cameras are off. Agent Ronald Sandoval: Some things are best left unsaid, or unseen. Major Liam Kincaid: Thanks for the advice, but this is one memory I'd like to keep. Agent Ronald Sandoval: The problem with memories, Major, is that once you have them in your mind, it's very difficult to get rid of them. Major Liam Kincaid: I keep seeing her lying there on that gurney. You always think people look like themselves when they die, they don't. You try to remember the good; all that went before, but it's always that last image that grabs you the hardest. Augur: It'll pass. Major Liam Kincaid: I'm not sure I want it to. Zo'or: Where there is an asset, there is a liability. Eliminate the latter. Captain William Boone: It was you. You killed my wife. Agent Ronald Sandoval: You don't have to thank me. Da'an: Friendship, like anything of value, requires delicacy in it's use. President Thompson: I'm asking you not to abandon us. Zo'or: The earth is doomed. You can best serve the Taelons by dying when you are told to die. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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