
  • Harry Dalton: I've always been better at feeling out volcanoes than people and politics. Harry Dalton: Her name was Marianne. We worked together. She loved volcanoes. Harry Dalton: I move around a lot: Colombia, Guatemala, the Philippines, Mexico, New Zealand, New Guinea... wherever there's a volcano with an attitude. Nancy: Why look at the computer when you can look at the real thing? Paul Dreyfus: Harry, listen... for what it's worth... you were right and I was wrong. Greg: It's coffee time! Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee! Cappuccino, java, YES! Stan: Isn't this beautiful, nestled all nice and cozy right up against the mountain? Nancy: Yeah, just like Pompeii. Rachel: A man who looks at a rock must have a lot on his mind. Harry Dalton: Get the hell out of there now, before it's too late! [slight tremor] Terry, USGS Crew: Did anybody feel that? [large tremor throws them about] Paul Dreyfus: I felt that. [in the river] Rachel: Harry, you see that car coming at us? Harry Dalton: I see it. Terry, USGS Crew: I have great taste in women! When have I ever steered you wrong? Harry Dalton: What about Astrid? Terry, USGS Crew: What about Astrid? I thought the two of you would have a lot in common. She said she was into rocks. Harry Dalton: Crystals, Terry. Crystals. Not rocks. Crystals. Paul Dreyfus: We're picking up some activity around Dante's Peak. Harry Dalton: This is a joke right? Dante's Peak? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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