
  • [Nisha is dressing when Rahul bursts in] Rahul: [searching her room] Hey, Nisha, have you seen my cassette? It has a very important music piece on it - I think I left it somewhere in your room. Where the hell is the cassette? Nisha: Rahul, you have no manners! Don't you know you're supposed to knock before coming into a room where a girl is dressing? Rahul: Girl? What girl? Nisha: ME! Stop it, Rahul, I'm serious! Rahul: Hey, relax, I know very well that you're a girl! Besides, you also had come into MY room when I had nothing on... Nisha: That's different! Rahul: How so? Nisha: Oh, shut up! [Nisha is shopping for clothes with Rahul, and has draped several possible purchases over him, making Rahul look like a human clothes-hanger] Rahul: [talking to a man noticing him] Are you shopping? Alone? VERY GOOD! Don't ever go shopping with a girl! Nisha: [drunk] Take off my shoes and give me money! [first lines] Rahul: What is love? Pooja: Love?... Love is life. [while Rahul and the troupe celebrate Nisha's birthday, Pooja begs Ajay to tell her about a girl he likes] Ajay: Okay, okay, okay... You see that waiter serving water? [He points to a waiter serving glasses of water] Pooja: Yeah? Ajay: Well, if he comes here with a glass of water, I'll tell you all about her! [They watch the waiter - soon, there is only one glass left on his tray... ] Pooja: Oh my God... Excuse me, a glass of water please! Ajay: That's cheating! Pooja: So what? Everything is fair in love and war! [the waiter brings her a glass of water, but just as she's about to take it, Rahul walks by... ] Rahul: [taking the glass] Thank YOU! Pooja: HEY! Ajay: [laughing] Everything is fair in love and war! Ajay, Pooja, Nisha, Rahul: [singing] Dil to pagal hai / dil deewana hai... the heart is crazy / the heart is mad... [standing in the rain] Rahul: Pooja... when you laugh... Pooja: Listen, I know I look good... Rahul: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 2f 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • No, when you laugh, it starts to rain... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • c16 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [He grabs her umbrella and hurls it away] Rahul: [dropping Pooja home late] I hope your uncle is asleep, so we won't have to listen to his singing... [Pooja laughs] [last lines] Ajay: My name is Ajay... yours?... Nisha: I'm Nisha... Ajay: Nisha... are you married? Nisha: WHAT? Ajay: Hello, fatty, how are you? Pooja: Shut up! I'm not fat! [Rahul and the troupe are celebrating Nisha's birthday] Rahul: Okay, everybody - tequila time! Nisha: [coming over] What are you all drinking? Rahul: Tequila! Nisha: Can I have a drink? Rahul: No, only men are able to drink this stuff - you go back and sit over there! Nisha: No, give me a drink! Rahul: Hey, Nisha, don't bother us, just go and sit down! Nisha: Rahul, today is my birthday... Rahul: Oh... happy birthday! Nisha: Thank you... I can do whatever I want, eat whatever I want and drink whatever I want, understand? Rahul: Nisha... okay, it's your birthday! Waiter, bring one more glass... [All the members of the troupe line up, glasses ready in their hands] Rahul: Okay, .. .. .. GO! [Everyone downs three tequilas - and make faces, trying to adjust to the alcohol. Rahul is the only one unaffected by the tequila] Rahul: [laughing at Nisha] Ha! What did I tell you? Girls aren't able to handle this stuff! [Nisha suddenly starts giggling drunkenly... ] Nisha: One more! Rahul: [to himself] Rahul, you're dead!... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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