危机天敌 (1997)

  • 加拿大 美国
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  • 犯罪  惊悚
  • 片       名危机天敌
  • 上映时间1997年01月10日(美国)
  • 导       演 道格拉斯·杰克逊


  • Sandy Robards: I should've had an abortion Jeremy Harper: Should've done could've saved us a lot of trouble, bitch. Sandy Robards: You didn't deserve to die then. Jeremy Harper: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [the gun clicks empty, Jeremy gasps] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I don't believe! it I finally get a break. [last lines] Jeremy Harper: I bet you wish you could send me to my room now huh? Jeremy Harper: You have no idea what I've been through because of you. Sandy Robards: They were supposed to make you feel special, you were supposed to feel chosen. Jeremy Harper: [screams] YOU CARRIED ME IN YOUR BODY FOR NINE MONTHS! DO YOU REALLY THINK SOMEONE ELSE COULD EVER TREAT ME SPECIAL? HUH? DO YOU? SOME FUCKING STRANGERS? Jeremy Harper: The abortion pill? that was pretty easy. But it's taken me three years to do this the hard way, to take away everything you sacrificed me for. Sandy Robards: I didn't sacrifice you for anything. Jeremy Harper: Twenty minutes, Sandy, you did not forget what midnight is did you? Sandy Robards: No. Jeremy Harper: Well this year instead of my birthday it's going to be [screams] Jeremy Harper: MY MOTHER'S DAY. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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