
  • Abraham: We have to be more Mexican than the Mexicans and more American than the Americans, both at the same time! It's exhausting! Abie Quintanilla: What's Dad gonna say? Selena Quintanilla: [imitating Abraham] I don't believe this, son! What were you thinking? [scene switches] Abraham Quintanilla: I don't believe this, son! What were you thinking of? Who's that laughing? Is that Selena? Listen, where are you? Abraham Quintanilla: You were out there wearing a bra! Selena Quintanilla: It's not a bra! Abraham Quintanilla: It's a bra with little sprinkly things on it! Abraham: No female has ever made it and now you're number one. You cracked the Tejano market wide open. You walked into Mexico and they don't even accept Mexican-Americans and they love you, and now? Selena Quintanilla: And now... gringos. Disney World! Abraham: You remember? Selena Quintanilla: Uh-huh. Abraham: And all the barriers that have stopped people before... and you went through them like they didn't exist. Maybe for you they don't exist. I love you, and I'm very proud of you. Mexican Guy: Anything for Salinas! Marcela Quintanilla: [Abraham is upset about Selena's "Top Outfit"] It's a bustier! Abraham Quintanilla: Bustiquela? Es un bra! Marcela Quintanilla: I think she looks cute. Abie Quintanilla: So much for my bustier. Selena Quintanilla: [their elopement has been heard on the radio and Chris tries to turn to the Corpus Christi entrance] Don't go to Corpus, go the other way! Chris Perez: Where are we gonna go, Alaska? Selena Quintanilla: Anywhere but Corpus! Selena Quintanilla: You know I was just thinking, I've never seen you dance. Do you dance? Chris Perez: Dance? Oh yea, I dance. Yea I put on my white shoes and black jacket and dance like John Travolta. Selena Quintanilla: Yea, well, we can dance this. Come on. Let me see you dance. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Chris Perez 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : I was just kidding. Selena Quintanilla: I may not be street smart but atleast i'm not that dumb! [Chris eats pizza with Hot sauce] Selena Quintanilla: Now you have to try some of mine. Chris Perez: I don't eat pepperoni, too hot. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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