Doctor Who (1996)

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  • 冒险  科幻
Doctor Who
  • 片       名Doctor Who
  • 上映时间1996年05月12日(加拿大)
  • 导       演 杰弗瑞·萨克斯


  • The Doctor: Wait, I remember. I'm with my father, we're laying back in the grass, it's a warm Gallifreyan night... Grace: Gallifreyan? The Doctor: Gallifrey. Yes, that must be where I live. Now where is that? Grace: I've never heard of it. What do you remember? The Doctor: A meteor storm. The sky above us was dancing with lights. Purple, green, brilliant yellow. Yes! Grace: What? The Doctor: These shoes. They fit perfectly! Grace: I finally meet the right guy, and he's from another planet. Grace: Maybe you have selective amnesia brought on by shock. The Doctor: Maybe. I don't remember. The Doctor: I know who I am. [Kisses Grace] The Doctor: I am the Doctor. Grace: Good. Now, do that again. The Doctor: I love humans. They always see patterns in things that aren't there. [first lines] The Doctor: [voiceover] It was on the planet Skaro that my old enemy the Master was finally put on trial. They say he listened calmly as his list of evil crimes was read... and sentence passed. Then he made his last and I thought somewhat curious request. He demanded that I, the Doctor, a rival Timelord, should take his remains back to our home planet; Gallifrey The Doctor: [pause] The Doctor: It was a request they should never have granted... The Doctor: [Cue the opening credits] The Doctor: You have to get me out of here before they kill me again. Nurse: Bruce, you're sick. Master/Bruce: Thank you. [explaining the Doctor's eccentricities] Grace: He's British. The Doctor: I suppose I am. [offers a policeman candy] The Doctor: Jelly baby? The Doctor: The world's about to end, and here I am, stuck in traffic. [the Doctor and Grace are bickering in the back of an ambulance over the famous people from earths history who he has met. Grace clearly thinks he's mad] Grace: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [sarcastically] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I suppose you knew Madame Curie too. The Doctor: Intimately. Grace: Does she kiss as good as me? The Master: As *well* as you. The Master: That's why there's no time to waste. The Doctor: But time to change. The Master: [now wearing traditional Time Lord clothing] I always dress for the occasion. The Doctor: Grace, don't you see? I have thirteen lives. Grace: Please! Okay, you're trying to tell me you've come back from the dead. The Doctor: Yes. Grace: No sorry. The dead stay dead. You can't turn back time. The Doctor: Yes you can. Grace: I'm not a child, don't talk to me like I'm a child. Only children believe that crap. I am a doctor. The Doctor: But it was a childish dream that made you a doctor. You dreamed you could hold back death. Isn't that true? [Grace looks back at the Doctor for a moment, astonished and then begins to walk away] The Doctor: Don't be sad Grace. You'll do great things. Daleks: Exterminate! Exterminate! [the master is disintegrated] Grace: Tardis? What's a tardis? The Doctor: A TARDIS is my ship that carries me through Time and Space. T-A-R-D-I-S. It stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. The Doctor: [In pain after being shot] "Timing malfunction..." [the Doctor and Grace are saying their final farewell's] Grace: I'm going to miss you. The Doctor: How can you miss me? I'm easy to find. I'm the guy with two hearts, remember? Grace: That's not what I meant. Grace: Professor Wagg! This is Professor Bowman. He's from London. He was just going to share a secret with us. The Doctor: Erm, yes professor. Is there a chance of a closer look at the clock. Professor Wagg: No! No. I'm afraid I am the the only person allowed up there. The Doctor: Oh well, can't you bend the rules a little... Professor Wagg: No. The Doctor: Oh but you see... Grace: [Interrupting the Doctor] Grace says you have a big secret. What is it? The Doctor: [Taking Professor Wagg to one side] I'm half human. [pause as Professor Wagg gives the Doctor an odd look] The Doctor: On my mothers side. The Master: What are you waiting for? Chang Lee: The road's still blocked. The Master: This is 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • an ambulance! Chang Lee: Oh, right. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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