搭公车 (1996)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 历史
  • 片       名搭公车
  • 上映时间1997年02月26日
  • 导       演 斯派克·李
  • 剧       情
    Get on the Bus follows several Black men on a cross country bus trip to the Million Man March. On the bus are an eclectic set of characters ...


  • Flip: ...And here comes my mama, marching across the field with a big leather belt in her hands. This belt was so wide couldn't nobody even wear it; this belt was made for whoopin' ass. Flip: Oh my God, a gay black republican. Now I've seen everything! Xavier: Why are you even going to the march? Wendell: Niggas and cars, cars and niggas. Niggas need cars like cars need niggas. I gotta make me some money. You think I'm gonna miss out on all that networking, shit nigga you must be crazy. I got a joke for ya, nigga: What do you get when you cross a million lesbians and the million man march? Flip: Ok, what do you get when you cross one million lesbians and the million man march? Wendell: Two million mother-fuckers who don't do dick. [Laughs] Wendell: You niggas somethin' else. [Pointing at everybody] Wendell: Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, all you niggas! Gary: Hey Wendell, I got a joke for you: What do they call a black man with a Lexus dealership? Wendell: What? Gary: Nigga. George: Teenagers mess up. You know man, that's what they do best. Flip: I've always heard that Dallas has the finest honeys on the planet. Flip: You tell me what men who like women wouldn't want a little something on the side? Jeremiah: I think as we prepare to go on this journey; it might be appropriate to have a prayer. [praying] Jeremiah: Dear Lord, we ask you to... Flip: [running onto the bus] Damn, I'm glad ya'll ain't left. I didn't think I was ever goin' to... George: [angrily] Hey; CP Time, we tryin' to have a prayer here! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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