
赎金 (1996) 5.9

Ransom 更多片名>

1997-01-31(葡萄牙)| 动作 犯罪 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:1997-01-31(葡萄牙) 类型: 动作 犯罪 惊悚
获奖信息:美国电影电视金球奖(1997年第54届)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

纽约航空界的亿万富翁汤姆·慕兰,拥有一个令人羡慕的美满家庭,白手起家的汤姆精于商场上的协调谈判,在四十岁日当天,他的事业已经散布至全球37个国家,俨然是同业中的佼佼者。   不过令汤姆万万没想到的是,他事业的成功竟然让他的独生子肖恩成为歹徒觊觎的对象,歹徒要求在指定时间之内拿出2...更多>


Kate Mullen: You paid off to save your airline. Why won't you pay off to save your son? Tom Mullen: You kill him, you kill yourself, you motherfucker! GIVE ME BACK MY SON! Maris Conner: And you're fuckin' drinkin' again. Miles Roberts: Well, that's okay, though, see, 'cause I haven't been drinking with the kid. Kate Mullen: ...he's so shy. Next month he's doing the underwear billboard in Times Square. [on live TV] Tom Mullen: The whole world now knows... my son, Sean Mullen, was kidnapped, for ransom, three days ago. This is a recent photograph of him. Sean, if you're watching, we love you. And this... well, this is what waits for the man that took him. This is your ransom. Two million dollars in unmarked bills, just like you wanted. But this is as close as you'll ever get to it. You'll never see one dollar of this money, because no ransom will ever be paid for my son. Not one dime, not one penny. Instead, I'm offering this money as a reward on your head. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. So congratulations, you've just become a two million dollar lottery ticket... except the odds are much, much better. Do you know anyone that wouldn't turn you in for two million dollars? I don't think you do. I doubt it. So wherever you go and whatever you do, this money will be tracking you down for all time. And to ensure that it does, to keep interest alive, I'm running a full-page ad in every major newspaper every Sunday... for as long as it takes. But... and this is your last chance... you return my son, alive, uninjured, I'll withdraw the bounty. With any luck you can simply disappear. Understand... you will never see this money. Not one dollar. So you still have a chance to do the right thing. If you don't, well, then, God be with you, because nobody else on this Earth will be. Tom Mullen: My son is dead, go to hell! Sean Mullen: Seems like someone's always mad at you. Tom Mullen: The way that seems? Sean Mullen: [Sean nods his head] Mm-mmm. Tom Mullen: Ohoy, I guess that... you're not mad at me are you? Sean Mullen: No. Tom Mullen: Well, I can, I can fix that. [Starts tickling Sean] Detective Jimmy Shaker:


We do what you say, and we go to the bank. Anything goes wrong, you're gonna turn around and I'll be gone. Okay. And if that happens, from this day on, any time your kid leaves this house to go to school, go play, see a friend, to buy a fuckin' comic book, you're gonna have to ask yourself: Is today... Jimmy Shaker day?


[beating Kate] Detective Jimmy Shaker: [whispering] It's very simple. [Kate moans from pain and through a choke-hold] Detective Jimmy Shaker: I'm growing very, very tired of this bullshit. Kate Mullen: Then could you... [cut off by the choke-hold] Detective Jimmy Shaker: It's up to you. Get him to take back the reward and pay me my money... or you're gonna find pieces of your little boy all over New York. I'm not gonna waste a bullet. I'm just gonna sharpen my knife. Tom Mullen: So how do I get my son back? Detective Jimmy Shaker: Are you going to pay me? Tom Mullen: Of course I am. Detective Jimmy Shaker: Then it shouldn't be a problem. Tom Mullen: Oh, this is, uh, one hell of a deposit you got here. Detective Jimmy Shaker: Shouldn't be a problem. Detective Jimmy Shaker: I got to him once. I'll get him again. And when I do... I'm not gonna want money... anymore. Detective Jimmy Shaker: You think you're suffering right now? Huh? You got no idea what suffering is. Liquor Store Perp: Yo, man, these cuffs are too tight, man. Detective #1: That's 'cause they're new. They'll stretch. You gotta give 'em a little time. Detective Jimmy Shaker: [interrogating black guy] Don't bite down on my hand. Detective Jimmy Shaker: [interrogating black guy] You think I don't know what's going on here? What kind of guy goes into a store and asks for Fraken Burry cereal? That's a kid's cereal! Detective Jimmy Shaker: [shouts] You wanna talk to him? Tom Mullen: [shouts] Yeah! Detective Jimmy Shaker: [shouts] You wanna talk to him? Tom Mullen: [shouts] Yeah! Detective Jimmy Shaker: [takes gun out and shoots the phone] Kate Mullen: [crying, punches Tom] God, you stupid bastard! You killed him. Tom Mullen: [to Cubby who's] What is it? Come on, what is it? A name. I swear if you tell me, I'll make sure you get the best funeral there is. [after Tom retrieved locker key from bottom of pool so he could change into disguise clothes] Detective Jimmy Shaker: [snickers] Have a nice swim? Sean Mullen: [at hospital] Turn on the lights! Please! Turn on the lights! I don't like the dark!!


Tom Mullen


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