海怪异种 (1996)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 恐怖  惊悚
  • 片       名海怪异种
  • 上映时间1996年04月28日
  • 导       演 杰夫·布莱克纳
  • 又       名海怪异种 深海怪兽 海底食人兽 The Beast
  • 编       剧 Peter Benc...J.B. White
  • 剧       情
    美国加州附近的太平洋上,一对驾驶着帆船度假的夫妻神秘消失在茫茫的海面上,他们留下的最后信息是海岸警卫队所收到的几声求救信号。接下来,这个水域发生的事情越来越可怕,几名青年男女在附近海域潜水一去不返,一艘捕鱼船也仅仅在海面上留下几块船板便了无踪迹……  在一个本来平静的...


  • Fisherman: Here, squid, squid, squid, squid... Dana Dalton: I was thinking about making Premavera Parmesan for dinner tonight. How does that sound? Whip Dalton: It sounds like maccaroni and cheese to me. Whip Dalton: [Discussing strategic plan on capturing the giant squid] How do we keep her from attacking the boat? Dr. Herbert Talley: We'll repel her with this [shows Whip the recording device] Dr. Herbert Talley: It's a recording device that contains recorded sonar waves given off by a mature sperm whale hunting for squid. Whip Dalton: [makes an objection] She killed a whale. Dr. Herbert Talley: [makes an opposite statement] Only an infant. Dr. Herbert Talley: [Assures Whip] She wouldn't dare attack a whale the size of the Frontier! Whip Dalton: [Discussing plan to kill the giant squid] How do we keep her from attacking the boat? Dr. Herbert Talley: [Shows him the recording device] We'll repel her with this. It contains recorded sonar waves given off by a mature sperm whale hunting for squid. Whip Dalton: [Giving an opinion] She killed a whale. Dr. Herbert Talley: [Reassuring Whip] Only an infant. She wouldn't dare attack a whale the size of the Privateer. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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