海市蜃楼 (1995)

  • 美国
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  • 奇幻  灾难  科幻
  • 片       名海市蜃楼
  • 上映时间1995年05月14日
  • 导       演 汤姆·霍兰德
  • 剧       情
    这部影片讲述一群飞机乘员误入超时空,故事非常引人入胜。 在一架从洛杉矶飞往波士顿的 767 客机的头等舱中,Brian Engle 机长正沉沉入睡。他刚结束一场从东京到洛杉矶的长途飞行,却被通知他的前妻在一场火灾中丧生,于是他成为另外一台飞...


  • Bob Jenkins: Now we know... Laurel Stevenson: We know what? Bob Jenkins: We know what happens to today when it becomes yesterday... It waits for them... the timekeepers of eternity! Nick Hopewell: [about to go into the time rip] Oh my god, so beautiful. [Engle informs the remaining passengers that they are diverting to Bangor] Craig Toomy: I have an important meeting in Boston at nine O'clock! And I forbid you... From flying to some whistle-stop Maine airport! DO YOU HEAR ME? Laurel Stevenson: Can you please quiet down? You're scaring the little girl. Craig Toomy: Scaring the little girl? SCARING THE LITTLE GIRL? LADY! We've been diverted to some tin... pot airport in the middle of nowhere! And I have more important things to think about than scaring a little girl! Nick Hopewell: Do you ever watch Mr. Spock on Star Trek? Craig Toomy: What the hell are *you* talking about? Nick Hopewell: Just if you don't shut your cakehole, you bloody idiot, I'll be happy to demonstrate his Vulcan sleeper-hold for you. Albert Kaussner: Gentlemen, the cola is very, very good today. Roger Toomy: Are you gonna look at the big picture or do I have to let *them* have you? [Turns Craigs head toward the window] Craig Toomy: They don't even exist! Roger Toomy: Oh yes. They exist. They were here and they'll be back. [Grabs Craig by the ear and pulls him up] Roger Toomy: They'll be back for you, you lazy sack of dirt! Craig Toomy: What can I do? What can I do? Roger Toomy: [Mimics him cruelly] "What can I do?" "What can I do?" You do whatever you have to do, and you get to Boston! Because if you don't, Craiggy Weggy, they are gonna chew your eyes right out of your head! Bob Jenkins: Let's say that every now and then a hole appears in the stream of time. Not a time-warm. A rip. A time rip. A rip in the central fabric. Don Gaffney: That's the craziest thing I ever heard of! Craig Toomy: Amen! Bob Jenkins: Mr. Gaffney, the situation we're in right now, this is crazy. So let's say that such rips do occur every now and then. It would be similar to rare weather phenomenons that are reported. Upside-down tornadoes, circular rainbows, daytime starlight. Captain Brian Engle: The aurora borealis. Bob Jenkins: [Bob looks to Brian in surprise] What? Captain Brian Engle: There was an aurora borealis over the Mojavi Desert when we left LAX. We were supposed to fly right into it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Then that's it. An auroa over the desert. That strengthens my point. If we were to fly into that, and it was a time-rip then that means we're no longer in our own time, ladies and gentlemen. Nick Hopewell: [They're in the air after the world below has disappeared after the langoliers have eaten it. The sun is setting] It's going faster now, isn't it? Captain Brian Engle: Yeah. After awhile I think the days and nights will be going faster than a camera shutter can click. We're all going to Boston for different reasons. What about you, Nick? Fess up, the hour groweth late. Nick Hopewell: Well, why not? What does a Most Secret classification mean when you've just seen a bunch of killer hairballs rolling up the world? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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