
傲慢与偏见 (1996) 6.0

"Pride and Prejudice"

1995-09-24(英国)| 爱情| 英国
上映时间:1995-09-24(英国) 类型: 爱情
评分: 力荐

  荣获艾美奖迷你影集最佳服装设计奖,最佳剪接、最佳编剧,最佳迷你影集3项题名。      人与人之间的距离,因真爱而不再遥不可及。      温柔的伊莉莎白是班尼家最有才气的五千金之一,却因第一印象对英俊多金的达西先生执有偏见。然而习惯将...更多>


Elizabeth Bennet: Lady Catherine, in marrying your nephew, I should not consider my self as quitting that sphere. He is a gentleman, I am a gentleman's daughter. So far we are equal. Mr. Bingley: I wouldn't be as fastidious as you are for a kingdom. Miss Bingley: And now the mother! Are we to be invaded by every Bennet in the country? Oh, too much to be borne. Mr. Hurst: Oh, lord! [the door opens and Mrs. Bennet, Lizzie, Kitty and Lydia enter] Mr. Bingley: Mrs. Bennet, you are very welcome. [He and Darcy bow] Mr. Bingley: I hope you do not find Miss Bennet worse than you expected. Mrs. Bennet: Indeed I do, sir. She is very ill indeed, and suffers a vast deal... [Lizzie looks down, mortified; Bingley looks worried] Mrs. Bennet: ...though with the greatest patience in the world, for she has the sweetest temper, Mr. Bingley. But she is a great deal too ill to be moved. [Bingley's sisters, off to the side, look furious at this imposition] Mrs. Bennet: We must trespass, a little longer, on your kindness. Mr. Bingley: But of course. Miss Bingley: Miss Bennet will receive every possible attention, ma'am, I assure you. Mrs. Bennet: You are very good. [She laughs, and then immediately dismisses the matter of Jane's health] Mrs. Bennet: Well, you have a sweet room here! I think you will never want to leave Netherfield, now you are come here. Mr. Bingley: I believe I should be happy to live in the country forever! Wouldn't you, Darcy? Mr. Darcy: You would? You don't find the society somewhat confined and unvarying for your taste? Mrs. Bennet: "Confined and unvarying?" Indeed, it is not, sir! The country is a vast deal pleasanter than town, whatever *you* may say about it! [Darcy turns his back and walks over to look out the window. Lizzie feels humiliated] Elizabeth Bennet: Mama, you mistake Mr. Darcy's meaning. Mrs. Bennet: Do I? Do I? He seems to think the country nothing at all! Elizabeth Bennet: Mama! Mrs. Bennet: "Confined!" "Unvarying!" I would have him know we dine with four-and-twenty families! [the Bingley sisters try unsuccessfully to contain their sniggers; Bingley looks at them in anger and distress] [At the party at Lucas Lodge, Sir Lucas endeavors to make conversation with Mr. Bingley's two sisters] Sir William Lucas: No doubt you attend assemblies at St. James's Court, Miss Bingley? Miss Bingley: We go but rarely, sir.


Sir William Lucas: Indeed, I am surprised. I should be happy to introduce you there, you know, at any time when I'm in town. [Mrs. Hurst looks in suppressed shock and mirth at her sister] Miss Bingley: You are too kind, sir. [She curtsies, and the two sisters move away] Sir William Lucas: [feeling awkward, but not quite sure why] Well, well, good, good! Capital, capital! Miss Bingley: Insufferable conceit! To imagine that we'd need *his* assistance in society. Mrs. Hurst: I am sure he is a very good kind of man, Caroline. Miss Bingley: And I am sure he kept a very good kind of *shop* before his elevation to the Knighthood. [They both giggle maliciously] [They are discussing the fact that Wickham has, in essence, extorted from them a fortune for the misery he is likely to face in marrying Lydia] Mr. Bennet: I should have taken better care of you all. [bitterly] Mr. Bennet: The satisfaction of prevailing upon one of the most worthless young men in Britain might then have rested in its proper place. As it is, the thing is done - with extraordinarily little inconvenience to myself. When you take into account what I shall save on Lydia's board and pocket allowance, I am scarcely ten pounds a year worse off. [Elizabeth gives him a Look that says she recognizes the irony of his self-congratulation. He looks down] Mr. Bennet: I am heartily ashamed of myself, Lizzie. But don't despair; it'll pass, and no doubt more quickly than it should. [Jane and Lizzie are in the pantry, tying up sheaves of herbs to hang and dry] Jane Bennet: No, I do assure you, this news does not affect me, truly, Lizzie. [Lizzie smiles skeptically] Jane Bennet: I am glad of one thing: that he doesn't bring any ladies. If it is merely a shooting party, we shall not see him often. Not that I am afraid of myself; but I dread other people's remarks, Lizzie. Elizabeth Bennet: Then I shall venture none... however sorely I am tempted. After all, it is hard that the poor man can't come to a house he's legally rented without raising all this speculation. Jane Bennet: That is just what I think. Elizabeth Bennet: Then we shall leave him to himself. Jane Bennet: Yes. [Lizzie's smile turns mischievous. Jane looks up and sees the smirk] Jane Bennet: Stop it, Lizzie! [Then they both start to laugh] [Mr. Bingley is coming to visit Longbourne for the first time in a year, and Mrs. Bennet is rushing about the room, ordering the girls how to behave] Mrs. Bennet: Oh, sit up straight, Jane! Pull your shoulders back! A man could go a long way without seeing a figure like yours, if you could only make the most of it! [Bingley has determined to go ask Jane to marry him] Mr. Bingley: [to a manservant] Bring me my horse! At once! Quickly, man!


[the music rises into a suspenseful allegro-crescendo as we watch Bingley ride towards Longbourne, and the women of Longbourne getting the news and preparing for him... ]


Mr. Bingley: [Mrs. Bennet is still in her night-clothes as she runs to Jane's room and cries out in panic:] Mrs. Bennet: Jane! Jane! Oh, my dear Jane! [She bursts into Jane's room. Jane is on the edge of her bed, in a white dress, slipping on some slippers] Jane Bennet: Oh, what is the matter? Mrs. Bennet: He is come! He is come! Jane Bennet: [bewildered] Who has come? Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Bingley, of course! Make haste, make haste, hurry down! Oh gracious, you're not all dressed! [calling for the housekeeper:] Mrs. Bennet: Hill! Hill! Oh, where is Hill? [Mrs. Bennet runs through the halls of the house. She bursts into Lizzie's room, where the maid Sarah is doing Lizzie's hair] Mrs. Bennet: Never mind, Sarah. You must come to Miss Bennet this moment. Come along, girl, and help her up with her gown, never mind Miss Lizzie's hair! Kitty: Mama, mama! Where is my new locket that Lydia brought me from London? Mary, have you seen my new locket? Mary: I shouldn't know it if I did see it. I care nothing for such baubles. Mrs. Bennet: Oh, never mind your locket, girl! Jane, steady yourself. He is here, he is here! Jane Bennet: Mama, Lizzie and I will be down as soon as we can. Send Kitty down, she is forwarder than any of us. Mrs. Bennet: Oh, hang Kitty! What is she to do with it? [Kitty stamps her foot and turns away, crying] Mrs. Bennet: Jane, where is your muslin dress, dear? Oh, Hill, Hill! Where is Hill? [Cut to sudden silence from the frantic music, as we see Bingley and the young ladies seated in the parlor. They are all extremely awkward and shy] Sir William Lucas: [to Elizabeth as she's trying to pass] Oh, Miss Eliza, why are you not dancing? - Mr. Darcy, allow me to present this young lady to you as a very desirable partner. You cannot refuse to dance, I am sure, when so much beauty is before you. Elizabeth Bennet: Indeed, Sir, I have not the least intention of dancing. Please don't suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner. Mr. Darcy: I would be very happy if you'd do me the honour of dancing with me, Miss Bennet. Elizabeth Bennet: Thank you, but excuse me... - I am... not inclined to dance. Sir William Lucas: Come, come, why not, when you see that Mr. Darcy has no objection, although he dislikes the amusement so much in general. Elizabeth Bennet: [sardonically] Mr. Darcy is all politeness. Sir William Lucas: He is, he is! And why should he not be, considering the inducement, for who could object to such a partner! Eh, Darcy? Elizabeth Bennet: I beg you would excuse me. [She leaves] Sir William Lucas: Oh, well, well... [looks away] Sir William Lucas: Oh, capital, Lydia, capital!


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