
  • [about sex] Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: I don't know. Sometimes it seems like such a strange sort of thing to want to do. You know, ridiculous. Like someone putting their finger up your nose or something. Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: You mustn't mess me about. I know I may look like a rhinoceros, but I've got quite a thin skin really. Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: I don't care what the priests say. I think we should do as we feel. Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: He could have anyone at all. Why would he look at me? Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: I could love you again, but I don't think I want to. [Eve and Aidan are playing draughts. Aidan wins] Eve Malone: All right then. What do I have to do? Aidan: You've got to hold it in your hands... for sixty seconds. Eve Malone: All right, I'll do it. But I won't jiggle about, d'you hear? Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: Have... have you ever gone all the way with a girl? Jack Foley: No. Not quite. Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: Would you like to? Jack Foley: Now? Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: No. It wasn't an invitation - just a request for information. [Last line, delivered happily after sex with Jack] Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: Bless me father, for I have sinned! Jack Foley: You really know who you are, don't you? Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: Well, yes, of course I do. Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: I don't know why you let me go to University. It's like taking me to the top of the mountain and showing me the world, and then marching me back down, and saying, "That's what you can't have Benny, you silly great fat article. Here's what you can have: Knockglen for the rest of your life and married to Sean bloody Walsh!" I'd rather be married to a bloody lizard! Bernadette 'Benny' Hogan: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I look like the prow of a ship! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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