金钱列车 (1995)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动作  喜剧  犯罪
  • 片       名金钱列车
  • 上映时间1996年02月29日
  • 导       演 约瑟夫·鲁本
  • 剧       情
    纽约地铁站的便衣探员尊及查理,一向都是出生入死,甘苦与共的好兄弟。他们的任务是运送载满美金的车。他们竟计划打劫这辆列车,同时这对黑白兄弟竟同时爱上了一名女拍档姬莉丝,他们会不会因此而影响彼此友谊呢? 动作天王黑人明星韦斯里.史纳斯与"杀人王"活地.夏里逊首度合作,一黑一白产生了不...


  • John: No, you ain't gonna hit him. Charlie: Why not? John: Because I'm gonna hit him! [smacks a transit cop in the face] Grace Santiago: [to Charlie] Should we break this up? They're tuggin' at his collar for dear life over there. Grace Santiago: [staggers towards platform women; pretending to be drunk] Hey! Hey! That's my man! Get your hands off my man! Are you bitches crazy? [pulls her sleeves and clenches her fists as she runs towards them] Grace Santiago: You wanna get hurt, that's what it is! Woman on Platform: We're sorry, we didn't know it was your man! Woman on Platform: We're sorry, Merry Christmas to you! [they get behind the turnstiles] Grace Santiago: [tries to attack them] Get the hell outta here! Yeah, you better run! Woman on Platform: [to her friend as they leave the station] It's your fault! You started it! Woman on Platform: Me? I didn't start anything! Grace Santiago: [to John] I turn my back for one minute and you're doggin' me? John: They were huuge!! Charlie: [back at the booth] Oh, she's beautiful. Grace Santiago: [positioning John on the poles] Now, you wait right there, all right. You wait right there, and don't you let me see you talkin' to - [John blows his nose with his hand] Grace Santiago: You nasty. [gives a male passerby a dirty look] Grace Santiago: What you lookin' at? I could kick your ass, too. Shit. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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